Chapter 6

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Kiki's POV
I can't believe I have my very own first team. I was so excited. I was on my way to my training grounds. As I walked onto my training grounds I saw three boys, strange it's usually two boys and one girl. One with black hair, one with white hair, and the last with brown hair.

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(His outfit)

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(His outfit)

(His outfit)

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(His outfit)

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(His outfit)

(His outfit)

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(His outfit)

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(His outfit)

Oh well I can handle a few boys. Their back were to me and I snuck up behind them.
"Hello boys," I said.
They all jumped and turned towards me. I smiled down at them fondly.
"I'm your new sensei," I said to them.
"I've seen you around the village," A white haired boy said.
"Yeah with some guy who wears the same mask," A black haired boy says.
The brown haired boy said nothing.
"First we'll do introductions," I said.
"Ladies first," The brown haired boy finally said something.
"A little gentleman," I said looking down at him. "Alright I'm Kimiko Hatake but call me Kiki Sensei. I have a twin brother. I was the ANBU Leader but as of yesterday I'm your sensei. My likes are well I'll let you fill them in along the years along with my dislikes. My hobbies are reading and messing with my brother and boyfriend. My dreams for the future is to have a baby. Next I want the gentleman to go."
"I'm Hayate Jun. My likes are nature, peace, and quietness. My dislikes are loudness, people, and fangirls. My hobbies are reading and training. My dreams for the future, I don't have any," He said quietly.
"Okay next the boy with black hair," I said.
"Yo what's up I'm Daisuke Tenchi. I like fangirls, my friends, and food. I dislike having to wait for food. My hobbies are hanging out with my friends and training. My dreams for the future is to be like Ibiki Morino," He said.
"Last one," I said.
"I'm Chikashi Satoshi. I like my family and friends. I dislike rude people. My hobbies are watching the clouds and training. My dreams for the future is to become a medical ninja," He said.
I quite liked these three.
"I like all of you a lot. Okay before you can actually be my students you have to do one last thing for me," I said.
"And that is?" Hayate asked.
"Get these bells from me," I said.
"But there's only two," Daisuke said.
"I know," I said.
I smelled wood, tomatoes, ramon, wild floors, Paper (Hokage), and books (Kakashi). I smirked and slightly shook my head.
"I want you three to come at me with the intention to kill me," I said.
I started memorizing their chakra smell. Daisuke had a musky smelling chakra. Hayate had a spring smell while Chikashi smelled like grass. I took a deep breath. It's done, they can't hide from me.
"Why'd you do that?" Chikashi asked.
"Do what?" I replied.
"Breath in so deeply," Daisuke said.
"Well I have this special ability where I can smell chakra," I said smiling at them.
Their eyes widened and they looked at each other.
"You can't hide from me even when you mask you chakra," I said giggling. "Now when I say start you can do what you want but you have to get these bells from me by noon. It's now 9 o'clock you have three hours. Ready start."
They were gone in a flash. I smiled widely. I sat and waited. One thing is certain, they're all together.

Its been about an hour. I was starting to wonder if they were ever going to attack. A whistle was heard and I pretended to not hear. I could hear a kunai coming straight at me. I leaned slightly to the left and it stuck in the ground in front of me. I picked it up and stood.
"Finally coming out to play," I said taunting them.
"Sensei we will get those bells," Daisuke said landing a hundred meters from me.
Hayate landed on his left and Chikashi on his right.
"I don't think you will," I said twirling the kunai around my finger.
They all shared a look and I smirked. They had amazing teamwork and they don't even know that they already passed. They began running towards before I held my hand out.
"Stop," I said.
They froze right in front of me.
"You guys have shown me exactly what I was looking for," I said. "You pass."
They looked confused.
"What do you mean we pass?" Hayate asked.
"You three have the best teamwork I've seen from genin in a long time. I would love to be your sensei," I said.
Daisuke walked up to me and looked up at me. Chikashi did the same with Hayate right behind him. They suddenly latched onto me and we all fell over.
"What are you three doing?" I asked.
"We're showing our gratitude," Daisuke said.
"We want to be your students," Chikashi said.
Hayate nodded and they continued to hug me. Clapping was heard and we all looked in the direction it came from. It was the people who were 'hiding'.
"Congrats Kiki your very first team," Genma said.
I shook my head and stood up taking my students with me. That has a good tone to it, students.
"Well since you guys have been spying on us the entire time I suppose you know their names. Boys this is my boyfriend Genma, my brother Kakashi, and you should already know his students Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, and the Hokage" I said.
"Hey guys," Sakura said. "We haven't seen you since the academy."
The genin started talking and I go to the adults.
"Tell why you were spying on me," I said.
"We wanted to see what happens," Kakashi said shrugging.
I rolled my eyes and Genma grabbed my hand.
"We have a date," He said.
"We do?" I said.
"Yup," He said. "Now go get ready."
"Boys you are free to do as you please," I said.
I walked away from them and to Kakashi and my house. Oh I can't wait for my date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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