Chapter 4

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Kiki's POV
"Captain," A voice said.
I turned around. I was on my daily stroll through the village.
"Yes?" I responded.
"Lord Hokage wants your presence in his office," She said.
I nodded at her and quickly went to his office. I knocked on his door and he allowed me entrance. I bowed on one knee.
"Kimiko stand," He said.
I stood and saw Genma, Kakashi, and his team.
"Kimiko you will be going with Kakashi and his team on a mission along with Genma," He said.
"Yes sir," I said.
"Kimiko will be in charge," He said. "Bring in the princes."
(Remember I'm not going by the show)
In came a boy around 15 years old and a boy around 18 years old.

(15 year old Sebastian)

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(15 year old Sebastian)

(18 year old Aragon) "Kimiko these are the princes of the Village hidden in the snow, Prince Sebastian and Prince Aragon," He said

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(18 year old Aragon)
"Kimiko these are the princes of the Village hidden in the snow, Prince Sebastian and Prince Aragon," He said.
"Hello Prince Sebastian, Prince Aragon, I'm Kimiko Hatake but call me Kiki," I said. "This is my team, Gen-,"
"I'm Genma her boyfriend," He said giving Aragon a dirty look.
"As I was saying," I said giving Genma a look. "This is Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and Naruto Uzumaki."
I pointed each one out and smiled at the princes.
"It's a pleasure to meet all of you," Prince Aragon said grinning.
Kashi came up to me.
"Genma's getting jealous," He said.
I stifled a laugh looking at Genma.
"Everyone meet at the gates in half an hour. I'll make sure Kakashi gets there on time," I said.
"Yes Kiki sensei," The kids said.
I froze and looked at them. They grinned at me before leaving with the princes following behind.
"They just called me sensei," I said surprised.
"Kimiko you are amazing with kids. I'm surprised you haven't quit the Anbu to be a teacher," The Hokage said.
"Actually I've been thinking about that," I said.
"You have but you love the Anbu," Genma said.
"I know but I'm at a new point in my life," I said giving him a wink.
"Okay Kimiko you can give me your answer when you get back," The Hokage said.
I smiled and we walked out. Kakashi quickly went home and I took Genma to our field. He grabbed me and brought me into his chest. My arms went around his waist.
"I love you," I said looking up at him.
He looked down at me and smiled, "I love you too."
I leaned up and kissed him softly. It didn't take long for our kiss to turn into a make out session. My back was against the tree and my legs wrapped around his torso. One of his hands was on my ass holding my up while the other was on the tree beside my head. I pulled out of the kiss first. We were both panting and leaned our foreheads against each other.
"We have 20 minutes til we need to be at the gates," He said once we both caught our breath.
I sighed and he set me down on my feet. I kissed him gently and pulled away.
"I'll see you later darling," I said.
"Alright love," He said.
I teleported to my house and he did the same to his. I went inside and grabbed my bag that I always had ready for missions. I went downstairs and found Kakashi reading on the couch.
"Let's go," I said.
He sighed and stood up. We walked out the door and went to the gates. We were 10 minutes early. Next came the princes, Naruto, Sasuke, Genma, and Sakura. Genma came to my side instantly.
"Okay is everyone ready?" Kakashi asked.
They all nodded and then we set off.
"So Prince Sebastian," Sakura said giving him googly eyes.
"Yes Sakura," He said in his gravely voice.
"Tell me do you have a girlfriend?" She asked.
Sasuke looked at her and then at Sebastian and glared at him. I noticed and grabbed his arm.
"So Sasuke tell me do you like Sakura?" I asked quietly.
"Hn," He said.
"Oh hell no, you are not using Uchiha language on me young man," I said grabbing his ear.
"Ow," He hissed. "Okay I'll tell you."
I let go of his ear and saw Kakashi and Genma laughing.
"Yes," He said softly.
"Then tell her," I said.
"Why should I it's obvious that she likes the prince," He said.
"I don't think so listen to their conversation," I said.
He listened and so did I.
"No Sakura I don't," He said.
"That's a shame, why not?" She asked stepping closer to him.
"Because I'm gay," He said.
Sasuke's jaw dropped. Naruto looked at me.
"What gay?" He asked.
I laughed and ruffled his hair, "It's when a boy like likes another boy."
He nodded his head. Sakura looked shocked.
"Okay let's change the subject," Aragon said. "Miss. Kimiko are you and Kakashi-san related?"
"Yes we're twins," Kakashi said.
"I can tell," Sebastian said.

We got to the Village hidden in the snow and got the princes to their palace. We met with their parents and the gave us our money.
"Thank you all very much for bringing our sons home," The King said.
"You are very welcome," I said.
"Mother, Father I have a request," Aragon said coming into the throne room.
"And what is it?" The Queen asked.
"I would like to marry Miss. Kimiko," He said seriously.

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