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All right, so I am lost. I am lost without my phone. I am the most directionally challenged person. Of course, I got lost. But, I can do this. Even though I am alone. In the woods. No big deal. Seriously. I am sure my parents are looking for me. The entire pack is looking for me and Jamie. Totally. Jamie is probably crying right now. Scratch that, I want to cry right now.

Oh God, I am going to have a stomach ulcer if I keep thinking about this. I am lost. So lost. But, mom and dad are are looking for me, I know it. Daddy won't go to sleep if I am not home. I need to grow some balls. I'm a werewolf for God's sake. Spending the night in the woods should not scare me. I've got the moonlight to guide me so I should just  focus on finding my way back. I could at least use my heightened, extra-cool werewolf senses to get back. Note to self: this is why I should train with the rest of the pack. If you had done so, this wouldn't be happening right now.

Maybe I should just stop moving, since I am so directionally impaired and don't know how to get back even with my werewolf abilities, if I stay in one spot, somebody is bound to find me. However, if I keep moving, I might be moving away the pack borders, which is not good. Not good at all. All right, I am going to find a nice, little tree, and I am going to sit there, until someone finds me. Oh, but what about Jamie? Maybe I should keep looking for him. I am a complete idiot. A complete stupid idiot who can't make up her mind. Who is making bad decisions. The plan was to find the kid, and bring him home, not get lost. 

I finally found a tree stump that didn't look too uncomfortable to sit on. I don't know whether it was the darkness of the night, the sound of the crickets, or the cool breeze that grazed my skin, but I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. Something about the night was terrifying, and as the wind attacked my sweat clad body, goosebumps crept all over my skin. I always wanted to believe that I am a brave person. However, after today, I am starting to think that I am not as courageous as I thought. It wasn't that I was afraid of the dark, I was afraid of what I could happen in the dark. I was afraid that I was not on Mystic lands anymore, and that I was susceptible to rogue attacks. I was scared that Jamie wouldn't be found, or that we would find him in a worse state than we left him. I was terrified to believe that I was the helpless, stupid werewolf, that would get lost in the woods. The night was overwhelmingly quiet, and the moon's light wasn't enough to unmask the truth behinds the woods I was now lost in. Unfortunately, even my enhanced werewolf eyesight was not enough to help me get out of my predicament.

I suddenly heard a couple twigs snap, the leaves rustled, and I heard a couple footsteps approach me. I still wasn't able to see the approaching figure with all its details, but I knew whoever it was, was here for me. Thinking that I was finally going to be saved, I jumped up and yelled, "Hey! I am right here. Thank you for coming for me!" But, to my surprise the forthcoming shadows in the trees didn't answer me. I am sure he or she heard me, but why wouldn't my savior reply? 

"Um, I am right here. I am extremely sorry for the trouble, but I think that it would be best if we just head home now. I know that I must have caused a huge amount of stress for my family and for the alpha. But, thanks for coming to get me," I mustered. 

Yet, whoever this person is was either too mad to talk to me or was not here to save me. And for some reason, I was starting to think that it was the latter. Suddenly, the figure made its way ever so slightly into my field of vision, and my blood instantly ran cold. The moon had illuminated its sharp fangs and cast the most ominous view of the rogue in front of me. Hearing its snarl pulled the trigger that was my legs, and before I could even collect was happening, I was sprinting. Unfortunately, I think he liked the chase, as I saw a hint of a wolf-like grin as I momentarily looked back. As I sprinted through the woods, trying my best to avoid hitting a tree or tripping over something, I realized that my fate is sealed. This is how I will die; a vicious rogue is going to catch me and rip me apart. I knew that since I haven't found my mate yet, I can't shift, and there is no way that my human legs would escape those of a fully-grown rogue werewolf. The mere thought sent tears to my eyes as I discovered, that my family is probably going to find the remnants of my ripped apart body on these forest ground. This is not how I wanted to die. The tears clouded my vision, and I was having trouble seeing. Of course, I am crying. I am always crying, and I can't seem to control my goddamn tears. Couple that with my lack of direction, and the palpable darkness, it was enough to make me surrender to my fate. However, before I could even have another thought, the air was literally knocked out of my body as I felt the body of the ruthless rogue collide with my back. The force of his hit and the momentum of my own speed left me tumbling and finally face-planting onto the rough forest floor, causing immense pain to course through my body, and copious amounts of blood to flow out. The twigs and dried leaves on the uneven ground were like blades against my skin, and it felt like I was stabbed and burned simultaneously. I had no escape: I was too dizzy from the fall, too tired from the pain, and too scared to fight back. My life flashed before my eyes, and I couldn't help but think about my parents who would have to live with the fact that I was killed, and my mate who would be waiting for someone who is dead. 

But, before I can wish my loved ones goodbye, a man swiftly jumped in front of the rogue, and shielded my body from him. I couldn't see what had gone on between them, but I was too focused on my near death experience to really care. What I do know is that the rogue was lying on the ground, lifeless. I drew a breath of relief and apprehension in, as my eyes traveled towards the man who just saved my life, and locked my eyes on his. 

A/N: Thank you so much for reading. 

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