Better Ideas

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Longer chapter than usual. Enjoy and tell me what you think! I love reading comments.


I lifted my leg hoping to initiate my attack. However, Axel completely anticipated my move because the next thing I knew he had grabbed my calf, causing me to lose balance and fall on my butt with a thud.

"Ow," I muttered, rubbing the sore part as I got up.

"You're hopeless," I heard him say, looking at me. I was sweating and panting, and he just looked like he was having a fun stroll in the park.

"What do you mean I'm hopeless? I really am trying," I defended stupidly.

"Didn't they teach you how to fight at all at your old pack?" he accused.

"I mean they taught me basic self defense and things. But they focused on training warrior wolves or people who aspired to be pack warriors. I didn't want to do that, so I ditched training to do other things," I answered back. In retrospect, not getting the training I needed at my old pack was obviously a very bad decision because I have been training for an entire week with Axel, and I still couldn't land some basic offense moves. Although, I was enjoying spending time with him, it was really embarrassing having to be so bad at something intrinsic to werewolves. I might be defective or something.

"Alright, again," Axel said, telling me to strike at him again.

"Alpha, I am tired, can I please take the rest of the day off, and go at this tomorrow?" I pleaded. We have been at this for four hours, and I don't seem to be improving.

"Calista, I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation you are in. During the Trials you will be actually battling any female in the pack who thinks that you won't make a good Luna. You must make her wolf submit to you at the end of the battle. You can't do that if you can't fight. So, no, you won't be leaving here, until you can at least dodge one of my attacks without tripping on your own two feet," he scolded.

He stayed training me for another two hours before having to leave to get back to his Alpha work. He ordered me to do some stretching so that I am not too sore tomorrow. After I was done, I headed inside and was greeted by the happy faces of Mason, Serena, and Daphne in the kitchen. Oh right! We were meeting today to see what was done and what still has to be done for the ball. With all the worrying and training I have been doing about the Lunar Trials, I had completely forgot about our meeting. I was really looking forward to letting my body rest and taking a nap at the end of my training today. Unfortunately, that was going to have to wait.

"Where are Jace and Jade?" I asked them after hugging them all.

"They are on their way," Daphne answered.

"Alright then we will wait. Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" I offered. All the training was making me so hungry. They said they didn't really have a preference for anything, so I grabbed a popcorn bag and shoved it into the microwave.

After getting settled on the couch with my bowl of popcorn, Jace and Jade walked in. I was a bit surprised that they could just walk into the house, but I think Mason caught on because he whispered, "Jace and I have spare keys to the house."

We finally sat down and started hashing out all the details for the ball.

"Alright everyone, I will go first," I began. "According to my calculations and Mason's help, we are expecting about 2500 people to come to the ball, or at least that is how many are technically invited," I let out, hearing Daphne suck in a surprised breath from my left. I knew it was a lot of people, but that just gives Mason better odds at meeting his mate. I was responsible for food and music, and general details. So, all the food has been ordered. We will be serving about twenty different types of appetizers, ten different kinds of cakes, and about twelve other dessert items. I think we are good on quantity. I was able to get us a pretty good discount because we had such a big amount that we are buying, but they assured that they will have servers to help set up the food and pack it up when the ball is over. They also said that they will have some servers walking around the room offering foods and drinks to guests. Speaking of drinks, I didn't know if alcohol would be a good idea, but I figured that it would be classy to offer champagne to our guests. So, I ordered a ton of that as well. I was also able to buy all the silverware and themed napkins. The chef also agreed to design his plates with roses and rose petals to go with our theme." I stopped talking for a second to catch my breath. "As for music, I was able to book the 'Masked Players.' I am sure you guys have heard of them. They are this really amazing orchestra group from the Fire Furs pack. Nobody really knows who they are though, because they wear masks when they perform, and I thought that fits wonderfully with a masquerade ball idea. Also, Alpha approved of all the purchases and orders, so we are good on money." I ended, signaling Mason to talk.

"Alright, mine is quick. All invitations were designed, personalized, and sent. And they looked absolutely wonderful if I do say so myself. Callista helped with the calligraphy. We have had a couple packs RSVP already, which is great." Mason concluded proudly. He was so happy that he got to work on the invitations because he thought that the aspect of inviting his mate to come to pack was thrilling to him.

"Decorations, balloons, roses, sparkles, table covers, sculptures, and many other decorative pieces have been ordered and approved. They should be here by next week, so that gives us ample time to set up everything." Jade said accompanied with a couple nods from Daphne and Serena. I felt good with everything falling into place like that.

"I worked out the patrol schedules and figured out the best way to have them set up around the perimeter. Mason said that he wants to be at the arch to the ballroom outside to personally greet the guests, and make sure nobody is looking suspicious. I don't think he has to do that, but it is up to him."

"So, everything is mostly set up for right now?" I asked making sure. I took the repetitive nods as confirmation and finalized with, "Alright everyone, if you could leave any receipts, order confirmations, details, or notes with me, so that I could show them to Alpha Axel, it would be great. If you don't have anything, then you can leave. Meeting adjourned." It felt very weird calling him Alpha Axel in front of everybody, but that was Axel's request a couple weeks ago and he hasn't rescinded it. Granted Serena and Daphne were still unaware that I was Axel's mate, but Jade's smirk at hearing me call him Alpha was enough to make me want to smack her and curl up in a hole somewhere.

I was about to leave the living room to head upstairs and call it a day, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "We are going to the mall right now to shop for dresses before they are completely gone from the stores. We were wondering if you wanted to come with us," Daphne said. I was assuming that Jade will be going with them, but I didn't feel like I wanted to hear her body shame me again. I was about to say something to concede going with them when I was interrupted by Axel's voice, "Calista won't be going to the mall with you tonight. Thanks for the offer though."

"Why not?" I asked him. I didn't know if I wanted to be thankful for rejecting the offer that I wanted to refuse or angry for making choices for me. He didn't really answer me, and instead shooed them out of the living room, effectively kicking them out.

"What is your problem?" I asked a little annoyed. After everything we have gone through, is he really back to ignoring me?

"You didn't really want to go with them, right?"

"Yes, but that doesn't excuse you from not allowing me to go!"

"Relax, I wasn't not allowing you to go, I was telling them to shut up and leave. You can still go if you want." I nodded my head, signaling that I might be on board with what he is saying. He gave me some time to decide to leave, and when I didn't he said, "Follow me."

We kept walking around the house to a place that I haven't been before. He took me to double doors at the end of the hall on the third floor and we walked in. 

A/N: Please comment, vote, and share. It means a lot!

See you next chapter, lovelies!

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