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(Trigger warning again and short filler chapter)

Tyler woke up on Tuesday feeling really sore, his face ached and his stomach felt tight but he knew he had to go to school because he didn't want to take too much time off so he rolled out of bed and slipped on some high waisted shorts with black fishnet tights on underneath and an oversized hoodie. He met up with Brendon and Jenna like usual.

"So Ty me and Brendon were talking yesterday and we are going to walk you to some lessons so we can keep an eye out on you okay?"

"You don't have to do that I'm sure I'll be fine"

"I know we don't have to but we want to" Brendon just nodded in agreement.

"Okay" they made there way in to the school and Brendon had to go to his lesson as it was at the other end of the school so Jen walked Tyler to his first lesson which was English, she kissed him on the cheek.

"I won't make it in time to get you to science and get to my lesson so will you be okay after English?"

"Yes I'm sure I will be okay thank you J" Tyler sat down at his desk and got on with his lesson. The bell rings and Tyler knows he needs to be quick if he doesn't want to bump in to Ryan again but he needs to get to his locker to get his books out so he runs to his locker and when he shuts the door of his locker he is greeted by Ryan.

"Hey faggot, I have missed you" Tyler could feel himself start to panic but he wasn't going to let himself have a panic attack in front of Ryan, he went to walk away but was stopped by Ryan's tight grip around his wrist. "Don't run from me baby boy" Tyler hated those words roll off of Ryan's tongue, they are the words Josh uses not Ryan.

"What do you want?" he doesn't answer Tyler instead he just frowns and then punches Tyler in the chest and flees. Tyler falls to the ground and he can't breathe, tears are spilling out of his eyes but no sound is coming out and he can't see or hear anything, he tries so hard to catch his breath but he knows Ryan has probably winded him eventually everything goes black. He wakes up in the nurses office with Brendon to his side with Dallon too and they smile at the pretty boy.

"How are you feeling bud?" Dallon nudges Brendon and frowns.

"He obviously feels like shit you dweeb" Brendon laughs at him.

"Do you remember what happened?" Dallon asks him while pulling his chair towards Tyler. Tyler tells them what happened but still doesn't mention any names.

"Who is it Ty if you tell us we can make them stop?!" Tyler just shakes his head no and cries again because he wants them to stop but if he says anything Ryan will beat him up even more. They eventually get up and Brendon and Dallon walk Tyler to maths but he knows he is late but he also knows Josh won't be mad. They stopped at the door and let Tyler go in and Tyler could see the worry on Josh's face, Tyler had been crying so his eyes were all puffy and red so he just keeps his head down and sits next to Jenna she knows that if she asks him about what happened he will break down in class so she grabs his hand and intertwines her fingers with his which caused Tyler to smile and she stroked his hand with her thumb, they stayed like that for the rest of the lesson. Tyler caught Josh staring at him a lot with a worried look on his face which made Tyler feel guilty because he was hiding everything from the man he loves but he didn't want to hurt anyone.

Josh let the class leave early but told Tyler and Jenna to stay behind because he could tell Jenna didn't know about what happened and she would want to know as they are best friends. He tells Tyler to sit on his desk and he kisses the boy.

"Aww you to are the cutest"

"What happened petal?" Tyler explained to them both what happened and he started to cry again, Josh picked Tyler up and placed him on his lap while Jenna quickly went and locked the door then Josh rubbed circles in to Tyler's back trying to calm him down. 

"Whoever is doing this to you is going to pay" Jenna just pulls Tyler in for a hug and tells him she is going to walk him to every single lesson from now on.

"Y-you can't you will be late"

"I don't care I want to make sure you are safe" Tyler just hugs her again but he knows she won't be able to stop Ryan from getting him.

(A/N; sorry this is such a short chapter, I wrote this the other day with no motivation but I promise you the next one is very long compared to my other chapters so I did make it up to you guys and one last thing if any of you are struggling with anything or even just want a friend then I am here and my messages are always open for you guys. Stay safe and stay alive I love you!)

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