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They go to the shop and get so much food and sweets, it could last them two weeks instead of two days, they finish their trip and Jenna drives them all home, when Tyler gets inside he checks his phone to see if he has any new messages or phone calls and he has a missed call from Halsey so the first thing he does after he puts the food away is he goes to his room and rings her back.

Hey, Halsey I'm so sorry I missed your call I was getting snacks for the sleepover. Is everything okay?

It's okay Ty, yeah I was just ringing you to fill you in about the detention

Oh yeah, how'd it go, did you two do the nasty?

No we didn't oh god and I swear you and Josh have had sex

Umm maybe

Exactly so why call it 'the nasty'

I don't know to be honest, probably because it's hetero sex and that weirds me out

hahaha I love you, we didn't anyway. Nothing happened really apart from the occasional blushing at each other and the awkward staring but other than that no

Damn that sucks, but that is how me and Josh started off so go get 'em girl

I will try, I can't believe I have made such great friends already. I love you

I love you too

Yay, oh shit I gotta go my mum wants me byeeee, see you tomorrow hoe

Okay bye slut

*Time skip to Friday after school*

Tyler's family are all away for the weekend so it made the sleepover even better, they could gossip and do what they wanted to without having to go around the family and explain their gossip to them so Tyler was very excited for his friends to come and have a couple of days together. Jenna is at Tyler's house with him, helping him tidy up before everyone arrives and they have his music on, dancing and singing like crazy while cleaning up. They finish tidying up and Tyler takes a moment to realise how lucky he is to be able to have friends as accepting as his, family that love and support him and an amazing boyfriend, yes it's illegal but it's true love. Before people arrive, Tyler and Jenna sort out sleeping arrangements so no one argues about where they are sleeping.

TJ "Because you helped me with everything today, I think you and Gerard should take the bed."

JJ "No I can't take your bed, are you crazy?"

TJ "I am crazy yes, but you and Gerard are a couple and probably want to sleep in the same bed and Josh isn't here tonight so I can take the floor, I would be wasting space in the bed anyway."

JJ "Are you one hundred per cent sure Ty, I am happy to sleep on the floor with Gerard and he will be happy wherever too."

TJ "I am certain hun, take the damn bed before I change my mind"

JJ "Haha okay, thank you" she tackled him on to the bed with a hug and they stayed like that until Tyler spoke up.

TJ "Can you please listen out for the door while I take a quick shower?"

JJ "A quick shower? We both know you don't do quick Ty, but yes I will listen out for the door"

TJ "Thank you so much b" (A/N; I call all of my friends b or babe)

JJ "You're welcome, now hurry up!" Tyler rushes to the bathroom and locks the door, he gets undressed and puts his dirty laundry in the basket and he jumps in to the shower. While he is in the shower, Jenna opens the door and standing there is Brendon, Gerard and Dallon.

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