Friend, Please:

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(A/N; Huge trigger warning)

*Time skip - back to school*

It's Monday and there is a new teacher who has started at the school and Tyler hates her, not just because she is annoying and always has her boobs hanging out but because she is always flirting with his Joshie.

JJ "Ty, no matter how much you stare at Miss Clark she isn't going to leave him alone unless he tells her to"

TJ "But that's my Joshie not hers"

JJ "I know baby but she can't know that, you have to trust him and leave him to sort this out." Tyler ignores Jenna and walks up to Josh

TJ "Mr Dun can you please help me after school with some work?" Miss Clark screwed her nose up at Tyler but looked back at Josh.

JD "No sorry Tyler, I said I would show Miss Clark around the town" Tyler just stormed off and grabbed Jenna on his way out.

*Time skip to after school at Jenna's house*

BU "Dude he still loves you just calm down alright"

TJ "How am I supposed to calm down when he is all over her?" he starts to cry and Jenna quickly hugs him and tries to comfort him. "Maybe I should let him date her, at least it would be legal and she is the same age as him then I wouldn't have to distance myself from him anymore because we would just be a teacher and a student not boyfriends."

JJ "You're just saying that because you're sad Ty, wait a couple of days for him to realise his mistakes and then think about it okay?"

BU "I agree with Jen on this one bud, you're just upset right now and he is just a knob"

TJ "He's not a knob but thanks guys, I'm going to go home now."

JJ "Okay bye Ty, see you tomorrow"

TJ "Mhm" he walks home and goes straight to his bedroom, ignoring his mum and sister and locking his door. He lays on his bed and cries himself to sleep.

Tyler wakes up the next morning with a huge headache from crying and a note from his mum.

Hey sweetie,

I heard you crying last night but I didn't want to intrude so I will talk to you whenever you're ready, I'm at work and I will be home later. If you need me, ring me. I made you some food and I rang school to tell them you're ill.

I love you, Love from mum xx

He smiles after reading the letter and gets up to shower. He showers and gets back in his pj's and checks his phone for messages.

~ 1 new message from Mum~

~ 7 new messages from Jen~

~4 new messages from Breadbin~ he rolls his eyes and giggles, he opens his mum's message first and it said...

Mum: Hey baby I hope you got my letter, I love you xx

He replied...

Ty: Yes I did mum, thank you. I love you too xx

He went to Brendon's next since he left less than Jenna...

Breadbin: Where are you?

OMG are you okay?

I'm coming over to see you after school

Has Josh messaged you?

He replied to Brendon...

Ty: Yes I'm okay, I'm jus not feeling well and no he hasn't

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