Chapter 12

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January 20, 9:41 a.m.

  I step out of the car and stretch for a few seconds before I go to the trunk and grab my suitcase with my skates, my program, and other necessities. Mark grabs his stuff right after me. We head in with Zara and I try on my skates to practice. I'm onto my second hook when my lace snaps. I stay there not realizing what just happened. When I do I start panicking.
  This is not happening. I thought. Maybe I could tie it back together? But the lace was too short to retie it. "Zara!" I shout. She's not here. I take off my skate and grab my suff to find her. I'm searching for her instead of looking in front of me when I accidentally bump into Mark. "Sorry." I say. "Its o- Ivy? Whats wrong?" I tell him about the lace and ask for Zara. "I don't know."
  We both look around for Zara and I'm this close to crying when Mark points out Zara talking to someone at the entrance. "Zara!" I rush towards her as I calm down. She hears me calling her and runs towards me. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" She asks.  I tell her about the lace. I could tell shes getting stressed as well.
  "You don't have and extra lace right?" She asks. I shake my head. The woman Zara was talking to came over and asked, "Is everything alright?" Zara explains the situation and the lady thinks for a second before she snaps her fingers. "I have an extra lace! Let me go get it from my purse." She rushes off and in a few minutes she comes pack with a pair of laces in her hands.
  I repeatedly thank her and run to the changing room to change into my costume and cahnge my lace I changed into my costume and sit down to change my lace when someone came in and leaned on the wall opposite from me. Ilook up from my skates to see Veronica. "Oh! Hey. I didn't know you would be here." She scoffs in disgust and says, "Cut the crap." She throws scissors onto the ground and smirks proudly. I realize what happened to lace wasn't an accident. "You did this didn't you?"

January 20, 10:00 a.m.

  "Where's Ivy? Did she fix her lace already? We got to go on the ice in ten minutes." I ask Zara. She shrugs and says, "I think she's still in the changing rooms." I sigh and run to the changing room. I hear yelling between two girls. I want to know what its about but its the girls changing room. Plus, I'm here to get Ivy. I eavesdrop in the conversation and hear Veronica saying, "You were the one who stole him!" Why is she here?
  I think about going in when I hear Ivy screaming as well. "Listen to yourself! Your an obsessed pyschopath! Over someone you probably didn't pay attention to!" Veronica starts laughing hysterically. " I really didn't want to do this but your getting. me. MAD!!" I hear Uvy shriek and that's when I decide to step in. I walk in at the right time when Veronica was on top of Ivy holding a pair of scissors inches away from her face. "What. the. hell. is going on here?" I say coldly. Veronica's expression turned to petrified. "Baby, it's not what it looks like." She says as she drops the scissors. " Do not call me 'baby'. " I reply. Ivy throws Veronica off and stands besides me.
  Veronica tears up but also chuckles at the same time. "I just- I just love you.." Just thinking about that creeps me out. "I told you we're done. I'll have security escort you out of the premises." Veronica grabs the scissors again and stands up but just stands there. "Put down the scissors Veronica." She laughs again and charges at me trying to stab me, but I quickly dodge.
   I grab her by the wrist and turn her arm to her back and tell Ivy to call the cops. She struggles to reverse her arm screaming. "No! No! Please I'm sorry!!" I scoff and say, " 'I'm sorry' doesn't solve shit." The police soon arrive and she gets taken away. I give Ivy a hug and say, "I'm sorry you had to deal with her. Are you ok?" She sighs and nods. "I'm fine." Zara rushes up us and says, "I know you guys just wen through a lot but do you still want to compete? You guys still have two minutes to get on the ice." Ivy looks up at me and looks determined to do it I agree as well and she says, "Lets do it."

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