Blinded like Allie Wannbe (Based on A Personal Friend)

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On a hilltop, that viewed the city of Summer Valley sat two people. There was one girl and one boy, the girl asked the boy what does he see. The boy is blind as a bat, and the girl can only see in black and white. "Darkness," he said as the girl stared at him. "Darkness?", "Yes Darkness. What do you see?" She said black and white like the movies. Her name was Allie Wantabe, a girl who's vision changed at 11 years of age. The boy was named Collins Brian's, a boy who was blind by an accident that happen three months ago.

Three months ago

"Allie Watanabe?" Said Mrs. Lopez the English teacher for 12 graders. "Here." She says raising her left hand. The teacher marked her off and continues attendance. There was only 5 students in her class, the class was for students who were low on credits to graduate. The door opens and Mrs. Lopez spoke, "Well hello Mr. Figgins," "Hello Mrs. Lopez you have a new student. Students this is Collins Brians." Everyone waved hello except Allie. She was distracted by a grammar question, he sat next to her and looked at the question. "J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter." He said pointing to the question. Allie stares at him and asked who's Harry Potter was. "Harry Potter is a fictional character. I'm Collins Brian, you must be?" She looks at him and saw him in Black and White image. She was about to tell him who she was until the speaker went off. "Allie Wantabe, please come to the nurse office."

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