setting up dorm

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So to start this off with an authors note:

Please read the description before you start reading so this story is not confusing :)

This will be switching between first person and third person for different characters. At the beginning of each chapter I will announce what the pov will be, etc. Anyways I hope you enjoy!

Lance, First person:

Today I'm setting up my new dorm with Veronica. I should be meeting my new roommate, his name is supposed to be Hunk. When I signed up for my dorm with specific choice of person these were what I said, "Someone who can cook, clean, be involved in stuff, accepts LGBT, is organized, and kind hearted." So let's hope he's just as amazing as I wish, he might even become my house wife hehe. I feel a slap against my head. "Hey! I am definitely not bringing in all these boxes by myself. If mom were here right now she would slap you with a chancla way harder." Veronica walks out of my dorm with her hand on hip. I guess I shouldn't be a pain today, she volunteered to help me. I walk out of my dorm to be hit with more boxes, I fall onto the ground. "Veronica watch it!" But in front of me isn't Veronica, it's a different girl with long white silky hair. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, I'm helping my friend move in today, are you Lance? This is supposed to be my friend's room." I'm still on the ground. I'm just in shock, she's completely breathe taking. She's wearing a purple dress and white flats. She holds a hand out to me to pick me up, but I'm not gonna take it. I am a man damn it. I get up to see her face more clearly, she has markings under her eyes that I've never seen before. I wanna ask but I don't want to be rude, maybe it's her religion or something. She puts the boxes she was holding down and offers me her hand, I take it. She starts shaking it very aggressively, "My name is Allura! I've been going here for about a year now, me and Hunk are childhood friends. Are you from Colorado?" "No I'm not, I'm actually from Cuba but my older sister lives in Arizona so I've been staying with her for a while." I see a figure creep up behind her. "Hey babe, Cuba huh? I've always wondered what it would be like there." This person has long white hair as well and is pretty tall. Allura hugs him tight and keeps eye contact with me. I don't want this to get awkward so I start to walk pass them. "Sorry but I have to go get more of my stuff so I'll see you in a little bit." I start speed walking out of the dormitory and can't hear what Allura says in response to me. I get out to have the sun be beaming on me, not helping the mix of summer and start of fall weather. I see Veronica talking to a child in front of our U-Hal, what is she doing now? I walk over to them and grab more boxes. "Yeah he loves space, his whole life he had the glow in the dark stars all over his room but decided that it's to childish for college." "Hey! Don't be telling my whole life story to a child!" The child turns to me but actually looks pretty grownup. "Oh shit, I'm sorry man you're just kind of small, are you in college?" "Okay man, one I'm a girl, two I'll be in the same department as you so this was a great introduction to how our relationship will go" She winks at me and starts walking away. What just happened? "Veronica can you explain to me what just happened?" "She goes by Pidge, she told me she's very sarcastic, she's asexual, mostly attracted to women so don't think she was flirting with you." "Don't worry, she's not my type." Allura starts walking out of the dormitory without that dude from earlier. "That's my type." Me and Veronica are watching her walk to a pickup truck. "Lance that's sexual harassment." I ignore Veronica and take the boxes back to my room. The door is closed and locked, what the hell. I put down my boxes and knocking on the door. "Hello?" No response. Wow did Allura really just lock the door? Great my key is with Veronica. I sit down on the ground and pull out my phone. I open up Instagram to see my favorite artist had posted again. @emoboy_draws posted some art of a band called,"My Chemical Quiznak". I don't really listen to their music often but I like a couple songs. I read the caption, "Setting up my dorm today! I'll have some new art in a couple of days but I need to get my life together first." Wow okay same, I like the picture and start typing. Only to see someone walking down the hall with a black backpack, black jeans, black boots.. okay actually they're wearing everything black. On the front of the sweater it says,"My Chemical Quiznak" with the lead singer Coran in a marching band outfit. Her hair is up in a weird bun but she looks kind of pretty, is she helping a friend move in like Allura? She stops in front of the room across from mine, kind of awkwardly standing there. She's just standing, is she waiting for someone? I cough loudly and she jumps. She starts fidgeting for her key and tries to open the door. It won't open. She takes the key out and puts it back in, turns, pulls, nothing. She tries again but tries to push in. Nothing. I get up from the ground. "H-Hey do you need he-" She starts kicking the door very hard, then harder and harder then she stops. Her heads turns towards me, "Can you please help me?" Oh shit. That's not a girl, now that I'm closer I can see what they really are. It's a failed attempt for a man bun, his hair is just long, it's a dude. I really suck at seeing people genders. "Hello?" I spaced out, great. "Oh yeah of course, sorry." He hands me the key and I try opening it. Nothing. "Haha give me a minute.." "No no it's fine, my adoptive brother choose this room specificity to give me one pain." His brother chose this room? Did he say in the forms to give him a bad room? "What do you mean chose this room?" "Oh my brother just became a professor, this was his old room. He should be here any second now." Right as he says that I feel someone behind me and his dude, I turn around a little bit to see a tall figure with white hair, a suit on, no arm, positioning to give his guy a headlock. We both make eye contact. "Shh." He giggles and attacks his brother, wow. I think I have a real crush.

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