get ready

210 4 3

Lance, first pov:

I was able to meet my roommate Hunk face to face, he's one of the most sweetest people I've ever met. Our dorm hasn't been dirty this whole time because he's kind of a clean freak. He made me try this weird goo, he doesn't know exactly what it is as well, all we know is that it's green and pretty good.
Classes will be starting in a couple days and I've already made friends.
Hunk of course then that girl Pidge, whom I thought was a child.
That dude Keith across the hallway is pretty okay, I picked him up after that whole situation with professor and we just talked about our hobbies and stuff.
Last night though I was walking back to my room and heard moaning so I'm guessing that James and Keith got a thing with each other.
Anyways I need to get ready for Lunch.
Why was I walking back to my room you may ask? Well Keith before I heard moaning had told me to go outside and Professor was there. All he told me was to be ready by 12:15 for Lunch and meet him right where we were standing. So now it's 11:30 and I need to not look like trash. Anyways talk to you later
Bye Diary <3

I close my secret journal and slide it back under my pillow.
"You know that's not really a good place to hide that? I know exactly where it is."
"Yes Hunk but I know you're to kind to invade my personal space unless it needs to be cleaned."
Hunk nods agreeing with my facts.
I roll out of bed and walk over to the bathroom.
I close the door.
Surprisingly for a dorm bathroom it's really nice and has a lot of space for all my wonderful shampoos and face moisturizers
I jump in the shower and get out.
It's 11:41am now. I rap my towel tightly around my hips.
I dry my hair, parting it in different ways, swooping it up and down.
The door kicks open to hit me in the back of the head.
It's fucking Pidge are you serious.
She looks me up and down.
I'm rubbing the back of my head while groaning
"Lance don't panic but I saw your date outside."
Sksk excuse me what he's really early.
"Pidge it's not a date and Keith is like his brother or something so maybe he's just gonna talk to him before we go out."
I notice her eyes flickering around chest.
I start to cross my arms, damn is this how girls feel?
She laughs.
She starts walking out of the bathroom and before she closes the door she says,
"If only I wasn't a lesbian." Then winks and closes the door.
I shrug it off since that's just how Pidge is.
I decide to keep my hair like normal since now it's 11:49 and I don't have all the time in the universe.
I walk out of the bathroom to see Keith and James talking to Hunk and Pidge.
They all stop talking and stare at me.
"Um why are you al-"
Keith stands up and pushes me back into the bathroom.
I feel my towel become loose.
"Lance I hope you know that this isn't a date, yes I understand Shiro is hot but he sees you only as a student I've checked and he's really going through a lot. He shouldn't even be dating Curtis."
"Yes I know this isn't a date but Hunk and Pidge are over exaggerating it."
"Then why are you getting ready as if you would go on a date?"
"Lance just don't get your hopes up, he's a very com-"
"Keith I know you know Shiro more than anyone else but can you just stop? I just want to go to lunch."
I pull my towel up pushing Keith out of my way and walk out of the bathroom.
James and Pidge are sitting on my bed and Hunk is standing there silent.
"Are you kidding me?" I'm starting to get really annoyed.
They don't move a muscle.
I start to mumble.
"Guess I can't change in my own fucking dorm I'll go to the bathroom for everyone."
I go to my drawer and grab some pants, a sweater, and socks. I walk to the door. Reach down and grab some Vans then walk out.
No one's trying to stop me.
No one's in the hallway.
I walk into the public bathroom, go into a stall and throw my towel down on the ground, then lay out what clothes I grabbed.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I didn't grab underwear. Fuck it.
I throw on my pants and lucky me, my sweater is so big it goes right past my ass.
I put on my socks and shoes.
I walk out of the stall to look in the big mirror. I look like a mess.
I reach into my pocket instinctively to grab my phone.
I left my phone.
I don't know what time it is, let's just go to the spot.
I go back into the stall to grab the towel and throw it into the sink, someone will pick it up.
I walk out of the bathroom to bump into someone.
I look up to see it's professor.
We both have eye contact.
"O-Oh Professor! I was just about to walk to the spot you told me to meet up with you-"
"Well I was just going to use the restroom before we met up, do you wanna wait outside then? I'll be there in a second."
"Yeah, yeah of course."
I smile and start walking down the hallway. Up ahead I see James and Keith walking back into their dorm, James being the last one to walk in he sees me.
He gives me a glare then walks into his dorm. What the fuck.
I walk out to the spot we were supposed to meet up.
I see a rock and start kicking it around.

Hello! Yes I haven't done a real update in almost a month sorry, I've been lazy and just haven't been feeling my writing to much. If your wondering why there's some weird plance moments my friend is a big plance shipper and I promised some type of moments for her. Anyways hope you somewhat liked this chapter.

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