arm and scar

201 10 1

Lance, First Person:

"Come on professor, we got to get to your man!" I yell out loud.

"Hey idiot you forgot your phone!" Keith yells at me.

Professor was walking with me but I have to turn around to get my phone.

"Oh crap you don't know where the U-Hal is, um give me a minute."

I speed walk back to Keith and he hands me my phone then starts to whisper,

"Try to have him open up to you, it seems that you like him so you'll probably want to get to know more about him."

I feel myself blush and I start tripping on my words,

"I-I do-on't like h-him! He's j-just interesting.."

"Well you better not, he's family to me, he's gonna be your professor..wait how old are you?"


"Okay so not a big age difference, he's 23, I'll be 20 in October."

"That's in almost a month right?"

"Well it's close to the end of August and school starts in a week so yes."

"Got it."

Keith then reaches my phone out and I take it out of his hand, he smiles at me then looks over my shoulder at shiro to then sit down.
"See you in an hour trench coat."
Keith ignores my clever comment and plugs in some headphones.
Professor and I start walking to the U-Hal.
I go to the back and open the door, throw off my funky jacket and sunglasses, close the door, get into the drivers seat having Shiro sit next to me.
"haha haven't we been in this position before?"
I'm trying to break the tension in the air from Shiro.
I sit there.
"Sooo what's your address?"
He turns to me.
"Oh yeah i'm sorry, it's on Zarkon Street, 50232, it's only 15 to 17 minutes away."
"Do you want me to rush it this time again?"
"No it's okay, I won't be late."
I pull out the keys and put them in,,, only for the car not to start. Are you shitting me.
Shiro reaches over me and grabs my keys to try himself.
He's leaning halfway on top on me.
Holy shit.
His elbow is right above my crouch then it rubs my crouch. Fuck fuck fuck.
This can't be happening.
"H-Hey maybe we could go look at the-"
The car starts.
Thank you lord oh my god.
I press on the gas immediately and start driving.
Don't think about what just happened don't think about what just happened don't think-
"So Lance are you in a relationship?"
I turn to face Shiro,
"I-I umm"
He grabs my face.
It feels like time is going by so slow. His hands are so soft and warm on my face.
His hands are on my face only to turn my face towards the road.
"Have you not had conversations while driving? Keep your eyes on the road."
"Y-You're right I-I'm so sorry,,"
"No no it's alright, so anyways back to the question."
"Oh, well I haven't dated in a while, there was this girl named Jenny who was really into me and I kinda liked her but I started talking to this dude online who was really chill and liked him more than her."
"Oh so you're bisexual?"
"Y-yeah,, what about you?"
"Just straight up gay."
"Ah a classic."
Shiro starts laughing. His bed head bouncing up and down.                                                                             "Can I ask you a question professor?" I make my tone more serious.                                                           "Sure, anything."                                                                                                                                                                   "What happened to your arm and how do you have that scar on your face? You don't have to answer of course I guess it's just-"                                                                                                                                "I got into a fight one day with some not so great guys for the scar on my face and my arm.."          He starts grabbing his arm and I can feel that this is painful to talk about.                                              "You know you don't have to answer."                                                                                                                         "Yeah I know I don't have to but I like you, I feel like I can tell you it's just hard."                                     He likes me and wants to tell me? I mean he couldn't possibly ACTUALLY like me, he just likes me as a person. I stay silent.                                                                                                                                           "I had a disease and only way for my whole body not to get it was to chop it off and stay alive."    "When did it happen?"                                                                                                                                                        "Less than two years ago."                                                                                                                                                "Holy shit" OH SHIT I SAID THAT OUT LOUD                                                                                                              "Y-Yeah holy shit indeed."                                                                                                                                                  We're sitting in silence now while i'm driving, no one wants to reach for the radio and we're about 5 minutes away.                                                                                                                                                        Shiro speaks up.                                                                                                                                                                     "Hey so to repay you for driving me all this morning what would you want me to do? Put a failed grade up, take you to lunch, prank Keith or another student or-"                                                                    Did his ass really just ask me out to lunch, I doubt he means a date but I prefer that very much.      "Lunch would be nice, but not today because I'm pretty sure your schedule is full for a while now." I laugh playing it off.                                                                                                                                                "Haha yeah kind of."                                                                                                                                                             Next thing you know we pull up in front of his house.                                                                                           He turns to me and gives me a hug, holy shit holy shit.                                                                                         "Thank you for all of this." He whispers into my ear.                                                                                             I nod and he gets out of the U-Hal and starts walking up to his house.                                                         A man opens the door and professor walks in.                                                                                                         I grab my phone to open up the beautiful picture I took.

Hi author here, i don't know what the fuck happened to the way all of the texts are. I'm to lazy to try to fix it, sorry about that. Hope you liked this chapter.

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