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Shiro, First Person:

Curtis opens the door and I walk in.

"Takashi where were you?"

"I passed out at Keith's dorm, I didn't go drinking or anything."

Curtis walks up to me and starts smelling around me, sniffing my breathe.

"Coffee" I hear Curtis whisper.

"Were you really with Keith?"

"Yes babe."

He walks up to me and grabs my hands.

"You were with Adam, weren't you?"

His eyes are staring into mine so desperate for an answer, wishing I say no but also wanting the truth. I can't lie.

"He texted me last night to meet up."

Curtis lets go of my hands and starts to walk towards the kitchen.

I start to walk after him, speed walking.

Curtis pulls out a cup and starts filling it up with water.

"Curtis say something." I'm standing in the doorway, talking softer then before.

He chugs the whole glass of water down and starts crying.

"B-Babe! Come here." Curtis calls to me.

He's tripping on his own words, I start to walk.

His head is looking at the ground, still crying.

I put my arms around him and he shoves me back.

"You son of a bitch! Do you not trust me? Does everything have to be a secret between us?!"

His crying comes to a stop and now there's just old tears rolling down his face.

I stand there, Curtis holding onto his shirt like his life depends on it.

"Babe, it was really sudden, I had a panic attack last night that's why I didn't come home. I literally passed out and Keith threw me into his bed. I woke up and got a ride to the Cafe, it came out of nowhere, honest."

"Oh yeah, who dropped you off by the way? Who would we know that has a U-Hal at the moment?"

"A student dropped me off."

"So now you're having students drop you off? How can I be certain it's not Adam or some shit."

"His name is Lance, I didn't get his last name but I'll be teaching him. Keith even befriended him."

"You could've at least texted me! Or even better, called! You missed an important ass meeting today and Iverson was fucking pissed." His tone has become more deep and extreme.

"I'll talk to him later, he's not my problem at the moment."

"But he's a part of your job!"

"My job at this very moment is to fix what's happening right now. My job as a boyfriend is to comfort you and love you, making you feel better."

Curtis lets go of his shirt, not holding onto dear life anymore. 

He starts walking towards me and hugs me, I hug back.

"I was so worried Takashi, you're lucky I didn't call the cops when I woke up by myself. I would've preferred you stumbling in drunk at 7 am so I could force you go to the meeting."

He starts laughing into my chest and I laugh too.

"You love it when I'm drunk."

"Well you're so adorable and easily emotional when you are."

Curtis pulls us out of the hug and starts pulling me to our bedroom. 

Lmao this was a short chapter sorry, there is not going to be nsfw of Curtis and Shiro because reminder: This is a shance fanfic.

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