Part 2

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Memories. That's what they were. The day Tony offered you a job as an Avenger, his way of saving you from being arrested and classed as a vigilante. The day you moved into the compound, started your new life. Memories. Like the day things changed... Again.


"Y/N, please, I need you to get to the compound." Tony pleaded with you over the phone.

You frowned as you quickly locked the door to your shop with your spare hand, trying to put your bag and coat on at the same time. "Why? What's going on?"

"It's hard to explain, just... Please, Y/N, please- Kid?"

Kid. "Peter? Why's Peter there?" You frowned as you made your way down the street.

"Long, story... Wizard, go!"

"Wizard?" You stopped. "Tony, tell me what's going on!" You shouted.

"Okay. Big, alien kicking my butt. Wizard with a stone being kidnapped by squid, alien. Kid chasing squid alien. You, going to the compound and finding Rhodey."

"What?" Squid?



"RHODEY!" You threw your bag over a chair pulling your apron strings open. "Rhodey... What's going on? Tony called me about some Wizard and... Alien... Stone?" You stared at the former Captain America slowly turning your gaze to Rhodey then the man that was the Hulk. "No!" You shook your head, turning around. "No. No. No."

"Wait! Y/N-" Rhodey ran in front of you to stop you from leaving. "Let me explain."


"Ah, a mutant." Thanos wrapped his hand around your body, trapping your arms as he lifted you from the ground. "I haven't had the pleasure of meeting one of you before." He grinned down at you as he raised you in the air. "You're a beautiful thing, aren't you." He flicked his thumb over the vines that tended to grow around your body when you used your powers often.

"Please-" You gasped for air, feeling him squeeze his hold on you.

He chuckled shaking his head. "You're better than those, measly humans," He whispered. "But, you choose to fight for them, why?" He frowned at you, squeezing harder on you.

"Because... I'm better than them-" You squeezed your fists as hard as you could. "Please-" You weren't begging, you were calling.

Rustling from above and below Thanos' feet grew louder and louder as the trees and the Earth came to life. The tall trees turned on their roots and began growing towards you. Branches and vines wrapping around the evil as he tightened his grip on you. Snapping of branches and tightening of vines grew as the earth began to mound around his feet, pulling him with all their might.

"NOOO!" he growled out as his hold was ripped open by the force of the trees. It was too late.



"I am Groot."



You woke up screaming. Those memories were always so real. They were ones you'd sooner forget but you couldn't.

"Miss Y/L/N, are you alright? You're showing signs of de-stress? Would you like me to notify Mr. Stark?"

You shook your head. "No, F.R.I.D.A.Y. I'm fine, thank you... Hmm... Where is... Tony?" You asked as you swung your legs out of bed.

"In the kitchen, Miss Y/L/N, along with Captain Rogers, Mr. Wilson, and Sergeant Barnes."

You thanked her as you got to your feet and began making your way downstairs. Six months had passed since you had defeated Thanos. Six months of having everyone together, living in peace and harmony. You yawned as you walked into the kitchen, waving hello to the boys.

Tony watched you as you moved around the kitchen, smiling when he watched you wave your hand over the dying lilies in the vase that was on the countertop.

"Tony?" Steve nudged him.

"Hmm..." He turned around with a confused look. "What?"

Steve rolled his eyes muttering a doesn't matter before leaving the kitchen along with a bickering Sam and Bucky.

"What was that?" You asked sitting down next to him with your cup of coffee.

He shrugged ignoring your question. "So-" He took a deep breath. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. says you had another nightmare." You rolled your eyes nodding. Tony sighed placing his hand on top of yours. "Talk to me, Y/N. Please."

You shook your head smiling. "Tony Stark wants to share feelings... Ugh..." You joked as you stood to your feet. "Talk later, I gotta go open up." You smiled before placing a kiss on his cheek. "Bye."

Tony sighed as he raised his hand and placed his fingers over where you'd just kissed his cheek. Damn it, Tony. He knew he shouldn't be letting himself feel like this but the more time he spent not thinking about it, the more he just thought about it.

"Tony?" He jumped after a hand landed on his shoulder causing him to knock his coffee over. "Crap! Sorry, Mr. Stark, I thought, you, oh no, look at the mess, sorry, really, sorry." Peter blabbered as he tried to clean up the mess.

Tony sighed rolling his eyes. "Leave it, kid." He patted his shoulder before realizing it. "What are you doing here? Thought Aunt May only agreed to after school?"

Peter nodded. "She did, but Y/N's given me a weekend job in the shop." He beamed.

Tony rolled his eyes at Peter who still had a schoolboy crush on you. "She has?" Peter nodded taking a seat next to the billionaire. "I didn't take you as a flower boy, Parker?" He teased the youngest Avenger.

Peter shook his head quickly. "What? No. I'm only lifting boxes and sorting deliveries. Nothing girly."

"There's nothing girly about flowers, Peter. Without them, the human race wouldn't survive." You smiled as you walked into the kitchen. "Besides, Groot isn't girly." You reminded him of the 6ft something 'talking' tree that visited the compound along with the other Guardians of the Galaxy.

Peter shook his head. "Of course not, ma'am. I was just telling, Mr. Stark, about my job." He blushed looking down.

Tony nodded as he stood to his feet, taking the wet rag from your hand that you'd automatically picked up to start cleaning the spilled coffee. "I'll clean that." He smiled handing the wet rag to the kid, who just rolled his eyes as he took it. "Hmm... if you need someone to help move heavy, stuff I can-"

"Help? You? No offense, Tony but... I don't think I've ever seen you pick anything heavy up before." You giggled at Tony rolling his eyes.

He shook his head. "Smart-ass. No, I was gonna say, I'll build you a flower shopbot if you like." He grinned at you.

You covered your mouth as you giggled again. "Oh, that would be amazing. An Iron Man bot with a little flower crown and a pink, frilly apron. Every girl's dream." You laughed some more. "Thanks, Tony." You kissed his cheek before you walked over to Peter. "C'mon, kid, let's get going." You put your arm around his shoulders.

"I don't have to wear the apron, do I?" Peter asked with a worried look.

"No objections to the flower crown though, right?"


You burst out laughing as you entered the elevator. "Relax, Peter, I'm joking."

Tony smiled as he listened to the pair of you. God, your laugh was beautiful. Like you.

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