Part 5

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When you weren't working you were doing some form of it for the Avengers. But some days, you have neither to do and they were the best. You hung out with your friends, relaxed, had fun and flirted with Tony.

After your 'Tony fucking Stark just kissed me' moment the two of you had kinda just got on with life. The only difference was you'd stand a little closer, leave your touches lingering a little longer, catch the other looking more than once. But neither of you said anything. You couldn't. It was wrong, right?

The sun was blaring rendering everyone 'too hot for this shit' as Sam put it on more than one occasion. The only thing to do on your free day was spending it by the pool. At first, it was just going to be you and the girls drinking cocktails and wearing floppy hats then the boys decided they were going to join you by the pool.

"How's school going, Peter? I haven't seen you doing any homework in the shop for a while," You asked the youngest Avenger as you sat down on your lounger with a fresh cocktail, sunhat neatly placed on top of your head.

Peter nodded with a sigh. "Yeah, okay I guess. I've been doing most of my homework with Ned-"


Peter raised his eyebrow at you. "How'd you know there was a but?"

You giggled and turned to face him. "Peter, there's always a but."

"Right... But, I've been struggling with my Spanish so I'm having to do extra work at school." He frowned at the thought. He hated Spanish.

"Spanish? They still teach that?" You asked. He nodded sighing as he looked away. "¿Por qué no dijiste?" 'Why didn't you say?' You grinned at him.

"Hmm?" Peter shrugged making you laugh a little.

"Why didn't you say? I love Spanish... and French... and Italian." You grinned.

Peter beamed at you. "Wait, do you think you can help me?"

"Por supuesto que puedo, Peter." 'Of course I can, Peter.' You smiled.

Peter grinned. "I understood that thanks... Or, gracias."

Tony smiled to himself as he listened to you and Peter talk; he didn't know you could speak Spanish and beautifully as well.

"You make me sick," Rhodey announced his presence making Tony jump.

Tony looked up to him frowning. "Why are you here?"

"I was invited to. Thought I'd be relaxing by the pool with a nice cold beer in my hand but instead I find you, drooling over someone young enough to be your daughter... If she actually isn't."

Tony rolled his eyes as he stood up from his seat and walked over to the bar with Rhodey following. "She isn't, my daughter. Don't you think I'd make sure of it before I kissed her." Tony sighed as he realized what he'd said, Rhodey gasped loudly. "Shut up." Tony shoved a bottle into his hand. "It didn't mean-"

The sound of you shrieking followed by a splash cut Tony off. Steve stood belly laughing at the side of the pool just in front of a guilty-looking Peter who was now holding your cocktail.

You gasped for air as you resurfaced, your hat now soggy. "Oh, I'm so gonna kick your ass, Rogers," You growled as you climbed out of the pool, pulling your very wet hat off. You threw it at Peter as you gave him a death glare. "And you-"

"I'm sorry." He stood and quickly made his leave along with your cocktail.

Tony stared mouth wide open as he watched you saunter over to where he and Rhodey had been watching the whole thing unfold. His eyes followed the water droplets trail down your neck and green bikini covered chest into the valley of your-

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