Part 9

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You stood in the backroom of your shop with your back to the door as you fiddled with some flowers. The past few days were playing over and over in your head as you did. Not a lot had changed since you and Tony had confessed your feelings for one another.

The morning after you had gotten up early to talk to Steve about what had transpired between you and Tony, so you asked Steve if you could join him on his morning run and he was more than happy to have you join him.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Y/N?" Steve asked from where he sat next to you on the grass as you leaned against the tree.

Since Steve re-joined the Avengers after everything, you had grown a friendship different from the others. You fought by his side, no questions asked that day and he's been grateful ever since. He lost Bucky and Sam and you didn't know if you'd lost Tony or Peter. The pair of you held hands in silence, your hearts breaking at the 'what if's'.

You let out a soft chuckle nodding. "To have the man I love, love me? Yes," You smirked at him a little.

He shook his head, sighing. "When you say it like that it sounds stupid."

You let out a louder laugh nodding. "Because it is, Steve. Why is it so hard for you to understand? We love each other."

He shook his head sighing once more. "I just– I don't want him to hurt-"

"He won't." You placed your hand on Steve's as you shook your head. "Steve, since day one, Tony's had my best interests at heart... In his own, Stark, way." You smiled again. "He won't hurt me... You'll kick his ass." You joked nudging Steve with your shoulder, making him laugh and agree he'd do more than that if Tony ever hurt you.

"Aren't you done yet?"

You jumped at the sound of Tony's voice behind you, causing you to knock some flowers over. "Damn it, Tony. You scared the crap outta' me."

"Sorry." He held his hands up in defense before he bent down to pick the delicate flowers up for you. "I didn't mean to. In my defense, you said you'd be done by now."

You creased your brow as you turned to look at him. "That's your defense for scaring me?"

Tony nodded. "Yes, it is. If you'd have finished when you said you were going to, I wouldn't have had to come looking for you and therefore scare you," He smirked at you after arguing his point.

You rolled your eyes shaking your head as you turned back to your flowers. "I do apologize, Mr. Stark but unlike you, I have some real, work to do," You smirked a little as you started toying with the flowers.

"Excuse me? Real work? All you have to do is flick your hand and poof, done. Me, I have to use my head-"

"You mean, get F.R.I.D.A.Y. to do all the work." Your smile grew even more as you felt Tony move closer to you.

"Don't be naughty, Miss Y/L/N, we haven't got time for it." His warm breath tickled the side of your neck making you shiver. "Now, let's go." He took your hands in his, pulling you away from your work.

"Tony-" You whined as he leads you away. "I haven't finished." You tried to pull back from him but Tony wasn't having it. He turned the pair of you around so he was behind you, his chest flush with your back as he pushed you forwards. "Tony!" You couldn't help the little giggle that left you as Tony held you close to him.

"Nope." He shook his head. "Come on, we have a party to get to. You're already half an hour late. By the time you're finished getting ready, the damn thing will be over." He muttered the last part so you couldn't hear him but you did.

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