Part 4

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As embarrassed as you were that Tony had seen you touching yourself, you were starting to miss him. It had been almost three full days since you had seen him. You were starting to worry about him but made sure to ask F.R.I.D.A.Y. every morning and every evening how he was. You also ordered takeout and made sure it was taken down to him in the lab (where he'd been hiding away), double-checking with F.R.I.D.A.Y. he'd eaten it and you were glad to hear he had.

"WHAT, do you mean Wednesday is your earliest? You're meant to be an emergency mechanics!" You seethed down the phone. "You know what... FUCK YOU!" You snapped, slamming the phone down. "AGH! AH! AHHH!" You repeatedly hit the phone down relieving some of your anger.

"Y/N?" Peter peaked around the corner of your office wearing a worried look. He wouldn't admit out loud but you kinda scared him a little.

You took a deep breath nodding. "I'm okay, sorry." You sighed sitting down in your chair.

He frowned stepping in. "It's fine. Hmm, we've delivered the local, ones... what about the others?" He asked.

You shook your head frowning. "The mechanic can't get here until Wednesday... don't suppose you know how to fix an engine, do you?" You laughed tiredly, wiping your hand over your face.

Peter sighed shaking his head. "No... but I know someone who does." He smiled at you.

You shook your head. "I can't ask Tony, Peter. He'll be far too busy."

"To help you? Are you nuts? Y/N, Mr. Stark would literally drop saving the world for you." he smiled at you. You rolled your eyes shaking your head at the youngest Avenger. "I'm serious... look, I'll prove it."

"How, are you going to-" You sighed deeply as Peter ran out of the room. "Peter!" You shouted after him but it was no good, Peter was out the door before you knew it. You rolled your eyes once more before forcing yourself to get up and deal with the fact your only delivery van had broken down and you had a lot of delivers left. "Right..."

You were bent over the hood of the van trying to see what was wrong with it. You had no idea what you were looking for but you were pretty confident you could spot something not right.

"That's your problem, kid, you've got a Y/N stuck in there," Tony smirked proudly behind you with his arms folded over his chest.

You rolled your eyes smirking to yourself. "Ha, ha, funny." You sighed stepping back, wiping your brow with your hand as you did. "What can I do for you, Mr. Stark?" You asked turning to face him.

Tony began grinning at you. "Oh no, Miss Y/L/N, I think-" Tony walked towards you grabbing the rag from your hand before wiping the oil off your forehead with a smirk. "It's me who is here to help you," He whispered.

The pair of you stood looking at each other for a bit not saying anything whilst Peter looked from one to the other, waiting.

After a minute or so Peter rolled his eyes before clearing his throat. The pair of you quickly tore your eyes from one another and looked at Peter. He nudged his head in the direction of the still broken engine.

Tony cleared his throat nodding before turning to look at it. You smiled briefly before turning to Peter, noticing his shirt was no longer tucked in meaning he'd recently changed, most likely in or out of his Spider-man suit.

"Please, tell me you didn't Spider-man it to the compound?" You creased your brow. Peter gulped not saying a word, guilty written all over his face. You sighed shaking your head. "Great... so, did Spiderman and Iron Man just walk in here or-"

"Don't be stupid," Tony muttered. "I made Happy drive me."

Your eyes widened as little. "WAIT! Happy's here?" You asked Peter. He nodded slowly. "GREAT! HAPPY!" You shouted grabbing hold of Peter in the process. "Peter, get the others to help you load the car. We can still deliver wedding flowers." You beamed. You burst out the front door grinning at Happy. "Hi, Happy-"

"No." He shook his head already knowing what you were going to say. "I don't do, flowers." You pouted as you dipped your head and batted your eyelashes at him. Happy dropped his head groaning. "FIIINE! But I'm not touching them."

"I love you!" You grabbed a hold of Happy's face and covered the man in kisses. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" You quickly ran back to the shop. "PETER!"

Once you'd stuffed the car full of flowers for the wedding happening downtown you sent Happy off along with Peter and your second in charge, Tracey. After they had left and promised to call when they were there and delivering the flowers, you got the rest of the team to shut up shop and go home. You headed to the coffee shop just down the road and grabbed yourself and Tony coffee before rejoining him.

"Fuck!" You gasped coming to a stop.

Tony was now just in a vest hitting something repeatedly, covered in oil and dear God was it doing things to you. You watched how his biceps moved every time he lifted his arms and how his jaw clenched and-

"I got you a drink!" You cleared your throat, trying to rid your mind of the dirty thoughts.

Tony turned around with a small smile on his face. "Thanks." He took his from you, taking a sip and moaning at the taste. "Get things sorted?" He asked.

You nodded smiling. "Yeah, although, Happy isn't happy his car is full of pollen." You giggled a little at the thought of him grumbling the entire way.

Tony rolled his eyes. "My, car and Happy can just sit and grumble." He shook his head as he placed his drink down before going back to the engine. "I think... I found the problem." He hit something again before he leaned over and rattled something else. "The fan belt... has, come off... by the looks, you need a new one," He spoke whilst he bent over, his ass in the air.

You bit your lip nodding, not paying attention. "Sure."

"I can... get one sorted for tomorrow." He carried on. "Is that okay with you?" He asked, still bent under the bonnet, therefore still distracting you.

"Really?" You asked, not paying attention at all.

Tony glanced at you over his shoulder and began smirking when he saw you were starring at his ass. "Got ya'." He chuckled.

"Cool." You bit your lip again. The thought of what you could do with Tony if only you were naked.

"If you carry on looking at me like that, Y/N, you might just cum... again," He smirked at you.

Your eyes shot to him, wide and shocked. "What?"

Tony grinned standing up to face you. "I said... I might just have to make you cum... again," He whispered taking a step closer to you.

You went to step back but Tony grabbed a hold of your waist pulling you closer to him. "Tony, I- I can explain." You stuttered.

Tony nodded slowly. "I'm listening."

"I-" You had nothing. "Fuck-" You closed your eyes sighing deeply. "M'sorry, I know I shouldn't have done that but, I just, couldn't help myself. Fuck! Everything you do fucking turns me on and-" Tony held your face in his free hand as he crashed his lips against yours in a hard kiss.

At first, you were surprised by his action but began kissing him back once your brain had caught up. You moaned against his mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue into yours for barely even a second. Your phone began ringing loudly, echoing in the extremely quiet room, ruining the moment. You stepped back gasping, your hand covering your mouth as you stared at Tony with wide eyes.

"I'll, order that-" He quickly stepped passed you and left you stood staring after him.

Tony fucking Stark just kissed you!

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