Part 8

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Tony hadn't been listening to a word either Rhodey or Steve had spoken to him. He sat there with his hand in his pocket, clutching to your still soaked panties. God, if either of them found out what had just happened in there he wouldn't hear the end of it. It'd be all 'she's too young, Tony' and 'are you out of your damn mind'. He knew you were too young, God knows he knew but he just couldn't stop feeling what he did.

From the moment he burst into that interrogation room and saw you sat there for the first time, the air was knocked out of his lungs and he knew he was in trouble. Plus, you didn't help things being so damn beautiful and smart. Then there were the whole reciprocating his feelings too, what were you doing to him.

Tony sighed deeply as he fell forwards in his seat and smacked his forehead onto his desk. Well, fuck!

Steve and Rhodey looked at each other before turning their attention back to Tony.

"Hmm, Tony, you good?" Steve asked, genuinely concerned for his friend's sudden strange behavior.

"Fine," He grumbled.

Rhodey raised his eyebrow noticing a couple of red patches on Tony's neck under his collar, then he noticed his hair wasn't in its usual style and his t-shirt was on inside out.

He sighed deeply shaking his head. "Tell me, you didn't?"

Tony sat up sighing deeply. "What?"

"You know what I mean." Rhodey frowned stepping closer to Tony. "Why was the door locked?" Rhodey asked being met with silence from Tony. "You said you wouldn't, Tony."

Tony scoffed dramatically as he stood to his feet. "I didn't say I wouldn't, okay," He smirked a little as he turned around at the thought of what had happened moments earlier between the two of you.

"What? You wouldn't do what? Someone, tell me what's going on." Steve snapped at the pair of them, drawing their attention. "Now!"

Rhodey and Tony gave each other a quick look before Rhodey turned to Steve. "I, don't think you want to know, Cap. Trust me." He placed his hand on Steve's shoulder. "Please, just let me handle this, Steve," Rhodey begged.

"Handle it? God, you're making it sound like I'm your kid that you just caught having it off with some girl." Tony laughed, his head falling back as he did.

"Yeah, well, sometimes you behave like you bloody are. I mean, c'mon man, she's just a kid."

"She's practically in her thirties!" Tony snapped.

"Half your age!"

"ENOUGH!" Steve stood in between the two men, pushing Tony back. "Now, tell me what the hell is going on?"


You sat in the kitchen with a single light illuminating the space at three in the morning unable to sleep. You'd ended up going straight to bed as soon as you'd returned work after in hopes of sleeping your heartache away after being rejected by Tony. You'd wanted to talk to him after being interrupted by Steve and Rhodey but he'd just dismissed you with the excuse of being far too busy for small talk. The thoughts of what had happened between you and Tony were running over and over in your head.

Tears trickled down your face as you watched the roses in front of you slowly wilt as your heart broke. You were an idiot to think anything could happen, to let yourself be drawn in and used, to fall in love with a man that was incapable of it.

"Why are you letting them die?" Tony stood in the doorway looking at you with a sad expression.

You rolled your eyes turning your back on him, grabbing ahold of the vase as you stood up. "Everything has to come to an end, Tony." You dropped the flowers into the trash before turning and putting the vase in the sink.

"But, you usually do that hand thing and bring them back to their best." Tony walked into the kitchen towards you.

You shrugged walking to the other side of the room to where the teas were kept. Maybe if you made yourself a herbal tea it would help send you asleep.

"I like it when you do that." He tried again, still being met with silence from you. He sighed as he placed his hands on the countertop next to the sink staring at the empty vase. "Please, talk to me-"

"Oh, so you're ready to talk to me now." You scoffed.

"Y/N, please, you're making me sound lik-"

"You don't care?" You cut Tony off as you spun around and stormed towards him, closing the gap between you. "To me, that's what it seems like. You couldn't get rid of me quick enough after you fucked me, then you just dismissed me like I was nothing when I came to talk to you and you still expect me to be all friendly with you. I'm sorry but that's not how it works. If it was just fucking then just tell me now. I'm a big girl, I don't need the fake bullshit from you, Mr. Stark."

Tony sighed deeply. You couldn't be sure but you thought you could see tears forming in his eyes. "I didn't mean for it to sound like that, honest. I wanted to talk to you, just, not whilst everyone was watching us..." Tony ran his hand down his face as he let out a loud groan. "Rhodey, worked out what had happened and we ended up arguing over you and then I had to tell Steve who went bat shit crazy and tried to kill me-" He rolled his eyes dramatically. "-and of course F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerted the others of the situation, so then they all found out and everyone began screaming at me for being selfish and taking advantage of you because 'you're just a kid' and 'you're too young for me' and–fuck! They think I'm just gonna use you, but I'm not. I know you're young but God, you're so beautiful and smart and funny... And you, for some damn reason actually like me and don't take any of my shit and it turns me on so much and FUCK! I love you, so, fucking mu-"

He what?

"You what?"

The once wilting flowers suddenly burst out the top of the bin looking more alive than ever, startling the pair of you.

Tony pointed at the trash slightly scared by their sudden appearance. "Why the hell did that happen?"

You shook your head slowly. "I'm surprised. Shocked?" You looked back at him. "Did you, did you really mean-"

Tony nodded, reaching out to brush a strand of your hair back. "Yes. All I could think about since that night we kissed was the way you felt in my arms and how I wished it was just the two of us... then I saw that necklace and I smiled thinking about you... Then you came to me today and-" He stepped closer. "I love you, Y/N."

Tears slowly fell from your eyes as the flowers grew even more at his words. "Tony-" You gulped shaking your head. "-promise you're not just saying it to make me feel better. I might be young but I can still handle rejection."

Tony gave you a gentle smile as he cupped your face. "I, love, you," He whispered leaning in slowly, smirking as he did. "I've said like four times, you gonna say it or what?"

You began laughing as you nodded. "I love you, too... old man."

"Less of the old." he winked before pressing his lips against yours in gently, loving kiss.

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