Power Trip

401 26 17

A College AU
Texas Southern University (Houston,Tx)
Ship: Chiron Harris x Erik Stevens
Warning(s): slight slow burn

Chiron's alarm didn't go off and now he was hauling ass to class. He threw on random clothes, he was pretty sure that his socks didn't match, and ran out the door with all the speed that someone who runs track could. His empty stomach quickly forgotten as he speeds across campus.

Stumbling through the door just in time. He goes to his seat to find that's it already taken. Along with the seat next to it and almost every other one in the room. All except one. He makes his way towards it and sighs, dropping his bag from his shoulder and sitting down. 

He tries his hardest not to look at the person next to him. His mind flashing back to Thursday night.

The party was in full swing when Chiron walked in. People filled the house from wall to wall. He could barely see through the clouds of smoke as he made his way to the kitchen. He needed a drink if he was going to get through the rest of this night. His mind was still focused on a pair of Cocoa colored eyes. The way Erik looked at him mere hours ago was on replay.

"Erik! My nigga. That was a good ass game."

Chiron's eyes widened. He stopped right in his tracks. Did he really just hear that name? Instead of turning towards the sound he rushes the last few steps towards the kitchen, head down, immediately taking two of the jello shots that were on the counter.  He needed some liquid courage if he was gonna get through the night. Especially if he was going to spend the rest of it as flustered as he was at the game.  Chi took a deep breath and swallowed the second shot, trying to get himself together so he can enjoy the rest of his night.

"Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe" played through the speakers as Chi stood next to Bryson trying to calm his nerves. His heart raced a beat too fast as they stood up against a wall. Taking a deep breath he hears a laugh that makes him stand at attention. He turns his head towards the sound and sees Erik with a bright smile on his face. He's stood with his friends, swaying to the music as he makes conversation. Chiron's heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. There he was, not even ten feet from him. He couldn't help but stare, broken out of his trance when two dark eyes meet him dead on.

Erik tried his hardest to get to class early. He'd set his alarm an entire hour earlier just to give him extra time to adjust to the world. It didn't matter though. On his way to class he'd been stopped by almost everyone he passed. All of them congratulating him on the win the week before. By the time he gets to class he's annoyed, showing up even later than usual. His mood sours further when he sees an empty seat at the front of the classroom.

He makes his way to his seat, his chest deflating with disappointment. However, it doesn't last long. As soon as he takes his seat, he notices someone walking towards the back row and his eyes travel upwards to see the beautiful man from the week before. Erik can't help but stare as his mind takes him back to Thursday night.

Erik had no interest in being at this party tonight. He thought that after the game he would be ready to let loose, but now all he wanted to do was go home and relieve himself of the the thoughts he'd been having since the first time he saw Chiron. His teammates had convinced him though, so here he was. He could barely see through the clouds of smoke as he made his way to a corner.

"Erik! My nigga. That was a good ass game." Erik smiled at the stranger as he approached, dapping him up.

"'Preciate it man. Thanks for the support." His eyes darted towards the kitchen. A blur of dark skin making it's way past him. His eyes widened for a second in thought, but he shook it away. It couldn't be.

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