Trust in Me

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A College AU
Texas Southern University (Houston,Tx)
Ship: Chiron Harris x Erik Stevens
Warning(s): slow burn, angst


The next few days are gonna be busy. Won't be around much. Sorry.

Erik stares at the text, reading it twice to make sure he read it right. He falls back onto his bed. What the hell? He and Chi had texted nonstop since their date, so this text seems so out of the blue. What's got this nigga so busy he can't answer nobody?

His thoughts are interrupted by his phone ringing. He can't help the slight disappointment he feels at the sight of his aunts name.

"Hey Auntie"

"N'Jadaka! How are you my son?" Despite the confusion swirling around him, her voice brings a genuine smile to his face.

"I'm good auntie. What's going on?"

Ramonda begins to talk about the progress they have made with the outreach centers. They've opened a few more in Boston and Vidor, Texas. She goes on to talk about how T'Challa and Shuri are doing, the latter having performed several pranks on her brother in the past week.

Erik zones out as she talks, humming in what he feels are the appropriate spots. His mind drifts towards Chi again, wondering again what went wrong and why he'd been so dry in his last text message.

He's taken out of his thoughts by Ramonda calling his name.

"N'Jadaka are you listening?"

"Uh...yeah. That's crazy." Sadness creeps into his tone.

"I asked you a question." She says. Erik doesn't respond, his mind once again drifting off "N'Jadaka!"

"Yea. Yes! I'm listenin."

"You are not. What is wrong hmm? What is taking you away from me?"

Damn, this woman picks up on everything.

He clears his throat. "Nothin's wrong auntie. What were you saying?"

Ramonda is not having it and won't let him change the subject. "N'Jadaka Ali Udaku.. Talk to me."

She callin me by my government and shit...

He sighs and opens his mouth to speak, trying to find the words.

"I'm feelin this guy and I thought he was feelin me too but now I'm not sure. I've never had to try this hard with anyone before. I don't know what to do."

Ramonda hums as she responds, "Has he stated that he does not like you?"

"Uh, not really? I mean we went on a date and it went really well. We even planned a second date for this weekend."

"Okay then it will work itself out, do not push it.I am sure he will come to you when he is ready. These things take time."

"Yeah I guess you're right." Erik reaches to twirl one of his locs around his fingers as he thinks.

"I do not want you overthinking this, everything will work out soon. Be patient. I have to go, we'll talk about this later on. Ndiyakuthanda unyana (i love you son)." The warmth in her voice permeates throughout his body, effectively calming him.

"Ndiyakuthanda nawe, unina (i love you too auntie). I'll keep you updated."

Erik wakes up hopeful. His class with Chi is this morning and he's hoping they'll have a chance to talk. He quickly throws on some clothes before heading out the door.

He gets to class and quickly finds his seat. Taking a biscuit and apple juice out of his bag he places it on the seat next to him and waits.

When Chi walks in he perks up a smile crossing his face. His smile quickly transitions into a frown when Chi doesn't look his way and sits in a seat up front.

The Prince & The Boy | Erik Killmonger x Chiron HarrisWhere stories live. Discover now