Still Tippin

602 33 11

A College AU
Texas Southern University (Houston,Tx)
Ship: Chiron x Erik Stevens
Warning(s): slight slow burn


It's hot as shit. Chiron thinks as he makes his way across campus towards his first and only class of the day. The sun beats down on his neck, making the two minute walk from his car seem much longer.

He shakes his head as the music bumps lowly through his headphones, continuing his commute across campus. Sweats seemed like a bad idea now, but it's cold in the buildings, so it balances out right? he thought.

Several people smile and wave to him as they pass, and he gives a small smile in return. After two years he's still not used to people he doesn't know acknowledging him. Girls coming up for hugs or waving at him, guys dappin him up like they know him, but he's always polite enough to speak.

The introvert in him is uncomfortable with the attention, making him want to shrink in on himself and blend in with the crowd. He'd accepted the scholarship to TSU for one reason: he loved to run. He could easily do without the rest.

Track is his escape. He puts his heart and soul on the track. He stops thinking and just runs. His body feels free, and he is in his element. It helps that he has a competitive spirit by nature and loves to win.

He walks into the building that houses his Sociology class, the air conditioning immediately cooling him off. As usual he is one of the first students to arrive, taking his seat up front.

He mindlessly scrolls through his phone as his classmates slowly start to trickle in. Out of the corner of his eye he catches a glimpse of a fresh pair of Concord 11's. His eyes take in grey joggers, and a fitted gray TSU t-shirt. Noticing the pecs that show through the shirt, he continues on to the mystery man's arms. Damn. Arms stacked with muscles that seemed to be hand carved by Michelangelo himself. God had took his time with this man. His eyes finally made it to the man's face, admiring his nice full lips and deep dimples.

Damn he looks good as hell. Who is he? Chiron thought and just as he began to put his phone down to grab his notes, he hears his voice, still scratchy and deep like he had just rolled out of bed. He stills, intrigued by how intoxicating he sounds. His mind imagines hearing that husky voice first thing in the morning, whispering all kinds of dirty things as he thru- He has to snap himself out of it... Chi... chill out. He says to himself and pulls his book and notes out so he can pay attention.

He gets one more glance at this fine strangers face briefly meeting his eyes, before the professor announces that class has started.

"Erik have a seat please, thank you."

Erik.... Chi nodded, making a mental note to remember that name.

"My bad teach." A smirk graces Erik's face as he heads towards an empty seat in the back.

Today's lecture focused on the damages of toxic masculinity which had Chiron intrigued but he wasn't one to participate. Class went on as usual. Chi payed attention as various students talked, though none of them said much, causing him to tune most of the lecture out. It wasn't until he heard that same intoxicating voice that he turned around, and he wasn't the only one. he entire class had turned their eyes to him. His voice carried towards the front of the room, nothing but confidence exuding from him as he spoke.

"In this society, we as black men are condemned for showing our feelings, let alone admitting that our feelings exist. Our white counterparts demonize and denounce our humanity."

The whole room went silent and Chiron nods. He agreed with Erik one hundred percent and was glad someone said it. The ignorant white man that he was arguing with however, was not. He was obviously heated, getting flustered as he responded. Erik laid back in his chair obviously amused, drinking his coconut water and slightly shaking his head. All eyes focused on him as the white man's voice continued to elevate, his facing turning beet red. Erik waited patiently for him to finish, smirking the whole time.

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