He Needs Me.

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Things were finally back to normal. Chi and Erik are sitting next to each other in their sociology class once again, both eating breakfast that Erik got for them. Erik remembered to get two apple juices instead of one this time.

Chi's bashfulness seemingly fades over time, exchanging more and more of those longing glances with Erik throughout the class.

Erik notices every glance Chi makes, smiling to himself each time. They're joking around with each other and Erik gets to see Chi's personality a little bit more. Before class is over, the professor reminds the class of an exam next week. Erik takes this opportunity to ask Chiron on another date. It's not too soon, he thinks, Right?

"I have a class right after this, but maybe after that?"

Erik agrees, suggesting that they meet at a coffee shop near campus.

We can do that cute shit like in the movies.

They meet by a bench near a building close to the edge of campus, greeting with a small peck, which almost makes Chi blush. As they walk, their hands keep brushing until Erik grabs Chi's hand, smirking at him as they walk.

They make small talk, flirting back and forth. Erik notices that the more they talk, the bolder Chi gets. It shocks Erik, but he likes it. As they're talking and getting to know each other more, things seem to fall together naturally and you'd think they've known each other for years from overhearing their conversation.

They finally get to the coffee shop where Erik orders a black coffee while Chi orders a soy chai latte. I guess he has a sweet tooth. Erik nods silently to himself, Noted.

They pick up their drinks and sit down and continue talking. Erik loads his black coffee with enough sugar to kickstart diabetes. I just knew he had a sweet tooth, Chi muses.

They get so lost in conversation that they almost forget the whole reason that they're there: to study. Chi the one that gets them on track by being the first one to take out his textbook first and Erik quickly follows.

Their study session lasts for about an hour and a half before Chance walks in with his girlfriend. Erik looks up when he hears "I see you E!" Chi just smiles up at him, shaking his head.

When they approach the 3 hour mark, they wrap up their study date and decide to head home. Walking to their cars, they begrudgingly part with a goodbye kiss and go their separate ways. The next day they spend apart, but still keep in touch through text. Chi offers to bring Erik breakfast to class next time.


Chi spends the next day with Kendall, telling her about him and Erik. She immediately facetimes Bryson so he can hear too.

"So," Kendall begins,  "y'all good now?" Chi just nods "Yeah" with a smile that can't be wiped off of his face, "we're good."

"So what's next with you two?"

"I don't know, we'll see, but I think this is gonna be good. For the first time in a long time, I'm excited."

"I'm happy for you. It feels so good to see you smiling again" Kendall gets up to hug him.

Bryson chimes in "Yeah man, it's good to see you happy. I'm glad you talked to him so I ain't have to fight you."

"He asked me out on another date soon," Chi announces, smiling thinking about their phone convo from a few nights ago, "to a concert."

"Oh shit, whose concert?" Kendall asks as she lets him go and sits back down.


"Kendrick?? This nigga got taste," Bryson comments, "But what row is it?"

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