Chapter 3

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Shopping is by far the most horrendous activity to partake in. Why anyone does this willingly let alone for fun is beyond a mystery to me. 

We've been here for all of 15 minutes and I've been contemplating faking a medical emergency to get out of here for 12 of those minutes, the first three were the walk from the car i still had hope we'd turn around. 

We are currently in Forever 21 and everyone is dressed literally the same, I am terrified. Ron and Gerard are demanding that i buy almost an entirely new closest whilst we are here - i hope they don't mean purely in this store because it feels like basic wannabe Instagram models threw up in here. They also have plans to go through my closet, if we ever get out of here. Is this hell? Am i dead? I knew i sure as hell wasn't gonna make to heaven but i didn't expect anything like this.  

"What about this?" Ron says breaking me out of my hell thoughts whilst holding up this god-awful pink jacket. Okay it isn't that bad but honestly could anyone ever imagine me wearing pink, no no they couldn't. 

"That's a joke right?" I'm hoping it is. 

"Come on P you would look so good in this, you can't wear black all year but if you were to wear black jeans and a black tank with this you would still look nice rather than looking like you're plotting someones murder". WTF he's serious, how long has this boy known me? 

"I am always plotting someones murder" little does he know that today it's his murder. 

"You're getting it end of discussion" Gerard buts in out of nowhere. 

"I am never going to wear it so its going to end up sitting in my closet with everything else that you idiots pick out". This is the truth, Gerard once bought me a pink dress for my 14th birthday and its still sitting in my closet with the tags on it, it would probably still fit. 

"P, why won't you wear it? You cannot wear full black outfits everyday especially when you secretly want to wear nice outfits with a little color. You don't have to dress like such a hard ass." Excuse me what did you just say to me Ronald?! 

"A - i won't wear it because i don't like pink i never have. B-  full black outfits are super practical. You can't see when you spill things on them and they are low effort outfits. C - I don't secretly want to wear color, if i want to wear something colorful i would. and lastly i am a hard ass so why wouldn't i dress like one". At least i think i'm a hard ass. 

"Piper you are the least hard ass person that i know. you might put up the act that you are but you are the sweetest and kindest person in the world. Everyone thinks so!" Well that just insulting Gerard. 

"Who is everyone, everyone i know apart from my uncles are standing within a 2 foot radius". 

"P everyone at school thinks you are so nice and absolutely adore you." Ronald how dare you lie to me. 

"Whatever, no one even knows who i am." 

"keep telling yourself that" Ron rolls his eyes and turns back to the rack of lightly colored clothing. 

"You're getting the jacket" Gerard says and walks back to the section he was at. 

Shit i'm going to look like a complete nerd this year. 

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