Chapter 7

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Whoever thought forcing a couple of hundred kids to be in the same building together for six hours a day was a good idea had a really sick definition of fun. It's only second period and I have a hit list. Thankfully however I have either Gerard or Ron or both in each one of my classes. Tommy and Rocky are in a couple of my classes as well. I'm pretty thankful for that because Tommy, Gerard, Ron and I all have biology together and I cannot bear another year where i have to be lab partners with Gerard or Ron. 

This period is almost over then we have 1st break thank god because once again i am starving.  I'm currently in Trig with Gerard and we are listening to our Teacher Mr Stevens read through the syllabus. Which in my opinion is such a waste of time like anybody is actually listening and as if we are ever going to look at it again after today. 

I've always gotten pretty good grades. I mean i'm not Einstein or anything but I'm narrowly above average so that's not bad. I have no idea what i want to do with my life. I mean we go our entire adolescents being told we aren't mature enough to make big decisions and then all of a sudden we are supposed to decide what college to go to, what we want to do for the rest of our lives and make decisions which are going to affect what kind of car we will be able to afford, how big our houses are and whether or not we can take our kids to Disney land during summer break in 15 years. Whoa that got deep. When college finally does roll around i'll probably just end up doing some history course, at least then i know my GPA won't suffer too much. 

The bell rings interrupting my teacher. He yells out the homework as we all stand and start to walk out. Gerard and I walk to our lockers and ditch our textbooks and grab the next lot and our lunches. We make our way to the track field. We've always sat on the bleachers every since freshman year. Most people prefer to sit in the Cafeteria but that's always so loud. 

As we near the Bleachers we can spot Ron already there. We join him on the bleachers and start to eat. 

"Is it cool if Rocky and Tommy come with us to Miss Gina's after school?" Ron breaks the silence. We go to Miss Gina's everyday after school and do our homework and just hang out for a little while before we drop of Ron and then Gerard and I go home. 

"Yeah, of course that's fine." I answer and see Gerard giving me an all-knowing look. I question him on it. 

"I thought you didn't want any more friends other than the two of us" he answers "I mean every time you've been told you to maybe make some more friends in class or anything like that you have shot down the suggestion quicker than it was given to you. All of a sudden you're okay with being friends with rocky and Tommy?" he says and gives me the look again. 

"I'm not friends with Rocky and Tommy we are merely just um oh shit. I'm friends with Rocky and Tommy. How did this happen? How could you let this happen?" i ask them shocked. How the hell did i let this happen? I was fine and everything was good i didn't nor want any more friends then they just slipped through the cracks. dammit. 

"Awe P, its okay. You are allowed to have more than two friends and its probably good that you do." Ron says whilst him and Gerard have a hard time containing their laughter. 

I cannot believe that I Piper Davis am now friends with Rocky Flynn and Thomas Dexter. What the actual hell has happened to my life.   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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