Chapter 4

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6 hours! 6 hours! After 6 HOURS we finally leave the mall. FINALLY. I can safely say that i am never going back there again. I think we went into every store twice. I have no idea what i even ended up getting, Gerard and Ron picked most of it out. But i can tell you that there was only one black thing in there and that was a back pack. Apparently i didn't need anything black. No one needs something black its simply a way of living. 

We are making our way back to my house to have our annual night before school slumber party. We mainly just order pizza and Chinese food and watch a movie then fall asleep ridiculously late. My uncles have already ordered the pizza and Chinese food so we should get there just a couple of minutes before it. Thank God i am starving and exhausted. 

Ron and Gerard have spent the night before the first day of school at my house every year since we were ten. The first time was a complete fluke. Gerard was already spending the night and Ron begged his mum to let him stay at mine an surprisingly enough, after an hour and a half of Ron following her around the house, she said yes. Now its just a thing. 

The car ride so far has been comfortably quiet. And by quiet i mean we have the stereo at almost full volume and we are blasting All Time Low's Last Young Renegade album whilst Gerard is driving my car like always. This is something that always happens. We just drive around blasting music not really saying anything to one another. Often when we do this is because one of us has had a bad day or something has happened and we just need to breathe. We usually drive up to the main lookout in our town. You can see the entire town and a little of some of the surrounding towns depending on what time of day you go. Sometimes we get some food from Ms Gina's diner on the way and when we get there we sit in the back of my jeep with the boot opened just looking out. For a little while it feels as though there is nothing wrong and we can breathe for once. 

A loud honking from the car next to us disturbs my thoughts. I look out of the window to see Rocky Flynn and Thomas Dexter in the car next to us at the red light. Rocky and Thomas are basically the top dogs of our school or the Big men on campus is you will. Now don't fall into the stereotype that the popular jocks are douche bags that only date the hot cheerleaders and all that kind of crap. Rocky and Thomas are nice guys, pretty smart too. We've all known each other since pre-K and i don't have a single bad thing to say about them. I wouldn't call us friends though, they are more like my acquaintances and people that i only talk to during class. They aren't bad but they aren't my Friends. 

"Hey rocky, Thomas, what are you guys up to?" Ron yells out through his window. 

"Not a lot we just played some basketball down at the rec centre. how about you guys?" Thomas answers. 

"Heading back to Pipers place, we just did our back to school shopping." Ron answers back. 

"Oh yeah, Pip are you going to wear anything other than black skinny jeans?" Rocky says to me, he's joking and i know it. We've always made fun of each other but we've never said anything hurtful. 

"of course n--" i am interrupted by both Gerard and Ron. 

'Yes she is!" well damn 

"well i can't wait to see that" Jesus this light is taking forever. 

"What are you guys doing tonight?" asks Gerard, oh no i can see where this is leading this is not good what the hell is he doing?

"Not much just going to hang out. My parents are working late and Tommy's are away still so were alone. Why what did you have in mind?" Rocky replies, his parents both work at the children's hospital in the city about an hour away from here so they tend to work pretty late and i'm not 100% sure what Tommy's parents do but i know they need to travel a lot so he tends to stay at Rocky's when they are gone. 

"We always stay the night at P's the night before the first day, her uncles order in food and they've always got really big stash of ice cream. We're just gonna watch a couple of movies, eat and probably just fall asleep. You guys can come over if you want." What the actual hell GERARD!

"Is that cool with you pipe?" rocky asks me. absolutely not. 

"Yeah of course, my uncles won't mind they kinda leave us to do our own thing. If you guys wanna come over you're welcome to." of course i wasn't gonna say no that would have been really rude. 

"Alright we're in, let us go back to Rocky's and shower and grab our stuff for tomorrow and we'll come over. You still live on highland street right piper?"Thomas asks. I've lived in the same house since i was 9, me moving in with my uncles was a big gossip story within school and the whole situation with my family was the towns headline.

"Yeah that's the one" I answer back right as the lights go green. 

"Sweet see you soon guys" Rocky calls out as they drive off. 

This is not going to be good. 

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