Chapter 6

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I can't even remember falling asleep last night. I do remember it, surprisingly, being a really good night. After we watched scream we all piled into my car, with once again Gerard driving, and we went to Dunkin' Donuts then ran like idiots across the road to 7-11 after Ron and Tommy ganged up on the three of us because they wanted slushies - i'll never tell them but it was a pretty good call. 

After that we made our way back to my house where we started watching Back to the Future but i think i fell asleep about halfway through it. 

When i woke up in this morning i was greeted with the lovely sight of Tommy and Ron cuddling each others feet on the couch, i couldn't resist i had to take a picture of it. If Ron ever finds that picture he's going to kill me. 

I'm now upstairs getting ready for school. I just jumped out of the shower, Ron and Gerard already got ready and are down stairs and Rocky and Tommy are getting ready in the Guest room. Gerard has, so kindly, Laid out an outfit that i have to wear. I'm going to kill him. Thankfully the outfit consists of Black skinny jeans, some white converse, that's where i stop being thankful, a white printed t-shirt and the stupid pink jacket. ugh. I can't be bothered to fight him and we are going to be late if i do, so i comply. I leave my hair its natural semi-curly state and just add some sunglasses and a necklace. 

I head downstairs to where i know my uncle Daniel is making his famous waffles and i do not want the boys to eat them all. My uncle has always made me waffles on the first day of school. My Uncles always wanted to have kids but unfortunately the adoption process is costly and hard, but they got me and they are basically my parents. They look at me like i'm their kid so i suppose to some level things work out in the end. 

"Well ill be damned she actually has something other than black" My uncle Daniel teased when i make my way into the kitchen. 

"What is happening? honey do you feel okay? oh dear god shes burning up." My uncle brad continues the joke whilst pressing his hand to my forehead pretending to check for a temperature. I jokingly push him away. 

"Ha Ha you are all very hilarious. Ron and Gerard don't like the way i dress and basically forced me into wearing this." i say as i gesture to my clothing. I put my backpack on the ground and take a seat in between Gerard and Rocky. Gerard throws his arm around my shoulders and kisses the side of my head. 

"Well you look good and not so evil now". I push Gerard's arm off and reach forward to take my plate from my uncle Daniel saying thank you for the most glorious waffles ever. 

"Thanks for letting us stay last night sirs' we had a really good time" says Tommy Breaking the temporary silence. 

"You're welcome. We we're kind of shocked when we got told it was more than just the three of them but the more the merrier". Uncle brad replies. 

"Mr Davies-Gray, these are the best waffles I've ever had there amazing." Rocky states to my uncle Daniel. The boy really knows how to flatter people. 

"You're welcome rocky and you can call me Daniel, none of this formality stuff." I knew my uncle Daniel would love him after that complement. i look at the clock on the wall and realize how close we are cutting it. 

"Guys we gotta go, we'll be late if we wait any longer. Ron wake up." I tell everyone and push Ron's shoulder as he is dozing of on the counter. I hug my uncles and grab my backpack. 

"Here we made you guys lunch, have a good day guys." My uncle Brad says and proceeds to hand lunch bags to everyone including Rocky and Tommy who kind of look shocked.

"Alright get out of here, have a good day. Oh and Rocky and Tommy you guys are welcome over anytime." My uncle Daniel says directing us out of the house. 

"Bye guys thanks for lunch, love you." i call back to them and wave and walk out. 

"Your uncles are awesome pipe and by the way you look really pretty no matter what you wear." Rocky says and jogs off to his car where Tommy is waiting. I run over to my car where Gerard is already in the drivers seat and Ron is basically falling asleep leaning on the door. 

"Come on Ron get in the car lets go. See you guys at school" I call out to Rocky and Tommy as i get in the car and we follow behind them to school. 

Off we go along the black bricked road to prison i mean high school. 

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