Forcing Hands

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Southern France 1002 AD

It had been many moons since we ran from home.

Running that's all we did now, hiding from Mikael the beast who wanted my husband's head on a platter.

Finn, Elijah, Nik, Kol, Rebekah and I together but we were getting weary, we missed having a place to call home. I Knew Nik blamed himself for Mikael on our backs, the siblings thought Mikael merely hated Nik for being a bastard, if only they knew that he had killed Esther, it would destroy our family.

Esther had killed my sister and my unborn child and honestly, if Nik hadn't killed her, I would have.

Nik and I kept this secret between us letting our family believe Mikael had done the deed it was better this way.

I hoped where ever Esther was, she was suffering. Not only had she had turned us into monsters but she had taken away my sister my dear Tatia away, also worse still she had killed mine and Niklaus innocent unborn child, then to truly stick the knife in I learned after my transition that none of us would be able to bear children.

Run. Feed. Hide the bodies. Repeat, that was my life now.

I no longer recognized myself, I was no longer young, naïve and sweet, I was a bloodsucker, cold, harsh and unforgiving this is who I was now the old me had died with Tatia and my babe.

"Kol, are you quite done?" Elijah questioned my best friend, who was feeding on the last survivor from the carriage we had just slaughtered.

"Ahh. Oh, bother, Elijah! Is all of this truly necessary?" Kol huffed as the rest of us rounded up the bodies to dispose of.

"Brother, the road is a major thoroughfare. If the bodies are found, word of our presence will spread to Mikael" Elijah answered.

"We have run through autumn and winter, through sleet and snow. Are we cursed to forever live in fear of our father?" Bekah whined.

"I should say yes sadly" Finn answered.

"Finn, please. Niklaus" Elijah glared.

I looked at my husband who was no doubt blaming himself, I stepped closer to him and grabbed his hand squeezing it tightly, when I got a smile, I kissed his cheek lovingly.

"Do we have any idea where we're running to next?" Bekah wondered changing the subject.

"Why not just do what we've all thought of doing? Split up!" Kol announced looking glaring at mine and Nik's joined hands.

Ever since that night when Kol found me crying in the woods not long after we started running and kissed me, our relationship hadn't been the same.

I had told him I loved Niklaus and I would never come between two brothers, but still, it hurt me that he was suffering, I loved Kol yes but not the way he wanted me to.

Since then I had tried my best not be affectionate with Nik in front of him but sometimes, I didn't even realize I was doing it.

We agreed that night never to speak about the kiss to another soul as there was enough to worry about.

"We swore a vow!" Nik exclaimed from my side.

"Your vows haunt me more than father himself! At least he can't chase us all. I say we take our chances" Kol snapped.

"We are not splitting up Kol! We are stronger together besides I refuse to let you leave" I angrily told him.

"Perhaps Kol is right" Finn sighed.

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