The Rose Affair

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So here I was doing exactly what I said I wouldn't. Getting involved in drama.

Damn Tristan and his band of misfit vamps, for involving Marcel in Strix business. Edith had said Tristan had taken an interest in Marcel and from my time with the Strix in the late nineteen-hundreds I knew what interest meant, and I'd be damned if I let Marcellus get twisted up with them.

So here I was sitting in a car that had been sent for me by Tristan himself when I would rather be sitting in my cozy living room with Eden, who was currently at home with Nadia. I looked out the window at the huge mansion the Strix were residing in, knowing it was now or never.

I was nervous, anxious and fuming but I pushed all that aside, taking a deep breath, then putting on my usual resting bitch face before exiting the vehicle.

I smoothed down my fabulous, blush pink, Michael Cinco dress. It was littered in sequins, making me look like a sexy disco ball. It was sleeveless and low cut showing off a good amount of cleavage, it also had a criss-cross back and a small train.

I paired it with a faux fur, pink shawl and small clutch which were both a shade darker than my dress, I had on some simple silver strappy heels and diamond studs. I wore dark pink lipstick and a smoky eye with some mascara and liquid eyeliner, while my hair was left in a simple updo which drew attention to my high cheekbones.

 I wore dark pink lipstick and a smoky eye with some mascara and liquid eyeliner, while my hair was left in a simple updo which drew attention to my high cheekbones

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I was dressed to kill, I only hoped I didn't have to murder or maim anyone, I'd hate to ruin this stunning gown

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I was dressed to kill, I only hoped I didn't have to murder or maim anyone, I'd hate to ruin this stunning gown.

I entered the front doors handing my shawl to the young human who offered, he foolishly offered me a mask seen as I didn't have one but I declined, I knew it was a masquerade party but I didn't care I wasn't ruining my makeup.

I smoothed out my gown and held my head high before entering the lion's den.

The party was separated into two different areas, the main ballroom where there was, open feeding seating areas, burlesque dancers, and dancing.

The smaller ballroom area had a large bar and more burlesque performers this area was more for mingling and conversation.

I breezed around both areas, wide eye's and shocked whispers following my wake. I nodded to the people I was familiar with and blanked the people I didn't, I didn't stop to make conversation as I was desperate to find Marcellus or even Tristan so I could tear them a new one.

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