I'll Bring Pie

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It was Thanksgiving a holiday I rarely celebrated, yet I had just spent the morning of one of the most joyous days of the year undoing Lucian's compulsion on my now ex-boyfriend Will Kinney.

Apparently, Lucian was behind the murders in the quarter and had used Will to find a magical object, that had been in Father O'Connell's, position and then left for Cami after his passing. Only I had killed the blonde bimbo, therefore, the location of the O'Connell treasure so to speak, was lost or so it was thought.

Then a few weeks ago, a human friend of the blonde reported her missing, the police searched her home and another property that had been left to Cami by her uncle the good priest.

At this property, they found hundreds of occult items which the police seized and locked up in evidence, after that the case of the missing bartender went cold the police believing Cami had gotten herself caught up in a cult.

And the person responsible for signing such item's into evidence one Will Kinney.

"It was just a game to him" Will cried his body shaking as he held a bottle of whiskey in gripped in his hands.

"He told me to take the boxes out of evidence then bring them to his penthouse and I did just like that" he continued his statement made it obvious he had been compelled.

"Then he .... He set a clock and told me if I didn't find this medallion by the time the clock ran out, he would kill my sister" he wept.

"Medallion what did he want this medallion for?"

Will didn't answer he just continued to cry, Lucian had done some serious damage to the once proud, happy man.

"Will the medallion what was it for" I tried again compelling him this time.

"He said it was to lock them away".

"Lock who away?"

"The originals" my stomach dropped.

"What does it matter, what does any of it matter my life is nothing, I am nothing" he shouted after I stopped compelling him. He then reached for his gun aiming it to his head but before he could pull the trigger, I pulled it from his hands and threw it across the room.

"Listen to me Will" I spoke holding his face in my hands, pulling him back under my compulsion.

"You matter, you are a good person forget everything Lucian compelled you to believe. You are going to call your superior officer tell him you need some leave, then you are going to go spend the festive season with your sister, and come back and be the best god damn cop you can be".

I gulped finishing my speech preparing myself for what I had to do next.

"Our relationship has unfortunately come to its natural end, you will remember our time together fondly but you will move on and find a beautiful woman worth your love" I whispered kissing his lip's one last time.

I was sad letting go of Will, our relationship represented the new me and my fresh start, but did it break my heart? Of course, not that had been shattered a long time ago and like always I would move on and keep going holding onto the hope that I would one day have the life I so desperately wanted.

Lock the originals away.

I dwelled over the statement as I sipped on a glass of whiskey while I continued to pace in my living room.

What the hell did that mean? I wondered as I listened to the sounds of Eden's breathing through the baby monitor it was nap time. Nadia was also upstairs sleeping the day away she had celebrated hard last night with her flavor of the month, she had been in bed since I came home from Will's and relieved her of babysitting duty.

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