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(Get. Effing. Ready.)

Skye Walters' POV

November 27th. Thursday.

1 PM (ish)

"All I'm saying is that you could've defended me, Nash." I say as I throw my bag down on our bed.

This whole car ride, in the middle of all my cousin's and May's bickering, May kept calling me a bitch. And I promised Nash that I wouldn't say anything to her, so, I didn't.

What got me mad was that Nash laughed each time she made fun of me. And I'm not sad or upset. No. I'm fucking pissed.

"Defended you from what? We just got here and you're already starting to fight me?" Nash rolls his eyes while squatting to sit on the edge of the bed.

"She kept calling me a bitch Nash! And you laughed! You just kept on laughing at me and with her. While I tried my hardest to not be rude to her." I look him in the eyes and lower my voice. "For you."

"Oh my God Skye. You've got to be kidding me. I wasn't laughing at you. I was just laughing. Period. Calm down." Nash rolls his eyes once again.

"You're an asshole you know that?"

"Right. Because an asshole would let two fourteen year olds and a bitchy seventeen year old move into his house for free. And then still sit and listen to that bitchy seventeen year old nag him about something that has no meaning to him whatsoever." Nash doesn't make eye contact with me.

I just stare at him and try to force the tears back. He doesn't know what he's saying. He can't. There's no way. He's just talking without thinking.

And I'm going to do the same. Whatever I'm thinking, I'm just going to let it out. He didn't care about my feelings so I'm not going to give two shits about his.

"Nash I didn't ask to move in! I don't want to be in your house. I don't want to be anywhere near you honestly." I gulp. "You do this too often. Act like you saved me when you're still abusing me!"

He scoffs.

"Verbal abuse is just as bad as any other." I choke out. "And you definitely do that enough."

"Skye, just stop it. Seriously." Nash outs his head in his hands. "You know you don't mean that."

I roll my eyes, "Fuck you."

I start to walk out when Nash says, "Skye get back over here so we can talk this out."

"You don't want to talk anything out. You just want to win this argument. Well you won Nash."

I leave all my things behind and walk to the door, "I hate you." I turn around and slam the door behind me.

When I step outside the bedroom, May, Evan, Cole and Henry are all standing there. Staring with wide eyes.

I feel the tears prick out my eyes and try my hardest to sniffle them back. I hear through the door and sounds of sniffles come from behind it.

When I start to walk away, May pushes past me and goes into the room, leaving everyone to look at me as the tears fall down my cheeks.

I can't just stand here and let them see me like this. I run out and go to the living room of the cabin. When I sit down, I put my head in my hands.

I can feel the seat next to me sink but I don't look up to see who it is. Nash is too full of pride to ever come and apologize this quickly. However I can't help but hope its him as I look up.

"What do you want?" I say to my cousin.

"I just want to know what happened. Did you guys break up? Are you okay?" Cole asks.

"I don't know if we broke up and of course I'm not okay. I don't want to talk about it." I say to him and he gets up to leave the room.

6 PM (ish)

It's been five hours since I've seen anyone. I ended up going for a walk.

I heard those things were calming. That shit is a lie.

Me punching that tree was calming, not walking.

As I put in the key to the cabin door, I think of how I have to find Nash. I honestly feel horrible and I know that if be knew where I was, he'd apologize by now.

I get inside the cabin and find Cole, Henry and Evan sitting and watching TV.

I ask them if they've seen Nash and they all say no.

I guess he's still with May. They probably went out walking.

"I don't think they're talking anymore though." Henry says, his eyes never leaving the television.

Then Nash must've went walking, he's the one that told me the myth anyway.

I go back to our room to ask May if she's seen Nash.

When I  open the door, I see sheets covering two moaning bodies and beer cans on the floor.

Before I even think I process what's happening, Evan is behind me.

I turn around to face him and my cheeks and eyes are already flooded. I fall back into Evan's open arms as he walks us away to the living room.

He whispers that it's going to be okay but when the first tear from his eyes touch my head, I know it's not.


November 27th. Thursday. Around 2 PM ish.

" Are you like done crying yet? " I whispered as I patted Nash awkwardly on his back. I wasn't sure what was suppose to be done in a situation like this. Nash has never really had it this bad with a break up - if we're calling it that. He was always the popular jock, the one that had many girlfriends. That's just what people thought of him though, because I know damn well Skye was his realest relationship.

Is his realest relationship.

" Yeah. I'm done. " he said getting up and stretching. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes before getting up and walking over to the mini fridge which I'm assuming he filled with beer because the one in my room looked nothing like that.

" Want a drink? " he asked opening a can of BudLight and gulping it down. I shook my head, I didn't drink often and when I did I became sloppy.


A couple hours later I was still laying in Nash's bed, watching TV, often glancing at my best friend as he gulped down a can of beer, and threw it across the room, slurring incoherent sentences every now and then.

Once he was finally done with the beers, he let out of the loudest burp and staggered towards the bed throwing himself on me.

" I love you Maylynn. " he stated using my birth name. It's been ages since I've heard it. I went by May, everyone knew me as May.

I shook my head and smiled. " I love you too Nash. "

He shot me a lazy grin. " You're so cute. "

And then I did what I promised I'll never do again, I kissed him.

But he kissed me back.

He rearranged his position and hovered over me rested his hands on my hips. I nodded into the kiss and he took that as the opportunity to attack my neck and unstrap my bra.

" Nash..." I whimpered as he found my sweet spot.

was going to take my best friend's virginity - and didn't regret it one bit.

(Well that was something... You know what else is something? Our new story, Under One Roof! hell yeah I just pulled that crap)

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