Drunk Courage ( Pietro Maximoff x Reader )

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Pietro had been tossing back drinks with the men while you, Natasha and Wanda were out shopping. The girls were attempting to convince you to go out on a date considering you hadn't been on one since you first came around the Avengers. See, no one wanted to go on a date with a girl who could manipulate people's feelings. One touch and you could feel everything they ever felt. That or manipulate what they could feel. Hence why you were always wearing a special type of gloves. Which meant you could touch your friend's hands and hug them without feeling what they felt. Today they had managed to get you some dresses as well as matching lingerie which you weren't sure why you would ever need such a thing but the girls remained silent. They had plans for you but they knew it was going to take a lot of convincing for you to actually believe it.

After all the hours of shopping, Natasha is taking you to one of the getaway homes. Tony bought a few for the Avengers to get you dressed up and ready for what was bound to happen tonight. There was no way in any shape or form that Pietro would ignore you. Maybe just maybe you would believe that he actually had something for you. The male was head over heels in love with you. He adored the way you laughed and how you wrinkled your nose at certain things that made you distaste them. He found every way to adore you and more, however, you had the hardest time believing that anyone could ever love you. Your abilities were a curse and that was never going to change. No one would ever love someone that could feel everything they were feeling with one simple touch.

Once you were dolled up, Natasha is pulling you along. The girls had this all planned out, however, they didn't factor that the boys would get Pietro drunk. Hopping on the elevator with your friends, you keep your arms wrapped around yourself nervously. You weren't one for dressing up pretty... so this was by far new. When the elevator stopped on the main floor, your friends pull you along. Your friends are all gathered along the area and Pietro is laughing. Your heart skipping a beat as you hear his laugh. Wanda smirks when she hears your thoughts. She thought the two of you would be simply perfect together. She had never seen Pietro care about someone more than her in such a long time. It was simple and sweet. However, they knew they had to give you both the extra push towards each other. Wanda hums innocently as she continues further into the main area. Your gaze shifting around the room as it finally lands on Pietro. You were messing with the hem of your dress. This was not something she was expecting. Chewing on her bottom lip, she glances down. Only to have Natasha push you along.

Pietro's laughter stops when Wanda smacks him upside the head and looks up. Shifting the speedster is laying eyes on you. Any breath he had left in him was gone. He had never seen you this... dressed up. You were breathtaking, carefully standing up the younger male is nearly tripping over his own feet. You watch this and raise an eyebrow. Every part of you was anxious, heart racing as Pietro makes his way towards you. You couldn't breathe. He was getting closer to you and that's when two things happened. One, Pietro managed to drunkenly stumble over something and you moved forward to catch him. Only to go down with him. Second, Pietro managed to keep from crushing you but his lips are on yours before you could say anything. A few of the Avengers are hooting and hollering as this happens. Pietro continues to kiss you, eventually breaking the kiss for air. Wanda is gauging your thoughts as well as her brother's. Pietro may have a happy thought but you, you were lost and confused. Having the hardest time understanding why he had kissed you. Pietro is up and helping you up. Your gloves were still covering your hands but you could feel your own emotions eating at you. Wanda's expression changes the instant she hears your thoughts.

This was a joke. This was some big joke to everyone here, they got you dressed up only to make a fool of you in front of everyone. Pietro's expression changes when he feels you pull your hand away from him. He did that only to get approval whistles from the other guys.

"(Y/N), wait." Wanda starts. However, without a word you are running off. Leaving everyone confused, especially Pietro. Natasha is going after you while Wanda turns on the men. "You were supposed to keep it easy! Not get smashed. Pietro. You fool. She's convinced you did this just to get approval in the men group. You have no idea how she feels. She's terrified to let anyone in because she thinks everything she touches, she ruins! You just pushed her into believing you only wanted to kiss her for approval... acceptance! Not because you like her."

The boys all fall silent and Pietro's heart drops in his chest. That was the last thing he wanted to do. Sure he was a little cocky but the last person he wanted to hurt was you. Wanda mentions him sobering up. Nodding, Pietro sobers up rather quickly and by midnight he was coming to find you. You on the other hand were still crying in your room. Your gloves were off as you remained laying in bed. Natasha stayed all night. Making sure you had food and were at least having company. Wanda comes and goes and eventually Natasha is standing up.

"(Y/N)? Someone is here to talk to you." Wanda speaks softly as she comes in. Pietro was waiting by the door. Wanting approval to come in. He wouldn't come in unless you were okay with it. Sitting up, you finally nod but don't move from your bed. A second later, Pietro is stepping in. "Natasha and I won't be far. Holler if you need anything."

With that the girls are leaving and Pietro is making his way towards your bed. Stopping near it as he looked at you. You looked fragile and sad.. Something he never wanted to happen. Shaking his head, Pietro crawls onto your bed and scoots close to you. Going to scoop you up into his arms like he normally did when you were upset, however, you reject him.. And that's when he sees you aren't wearing your special made gloves. The idea hits him hard and Pietro is gripping your hands. A soft squeak coming from you as you go to jerk them away, however he holds on. Tangling your fingers together as you feel his emotions and more hit you. It leaves you speechless. Every memory.. Every moment and feeling he had ever felt when he was around you.

"I know the way I acted earlier tonight was unacceptable. I was terrified to tell you.." He murmurs.

"The great Pietro Maximoff terrified of something?" You tease. He scoffs and then sticks his tongue out. Laughing, you shake your head and then speak. "I love you Pietro Maximoff."

The shock on his face was the one thing that made your smile grow. It was love.. You knew that much. You could feel it. One of the best feelings you had ever felt in your life. The fact you were able to touch him and feel everything he felt. It was calming and relaxing. For once in your life you felt genuinely peaceful. You had found the one connection you had been dreaming of and it was right in front of you this entire time. Leaning forward you are pressing a gentle kiss to Pietro's lips.

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