Is This Goodbye? Part Two - (Bucky Barnes x Reader )

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They wiped him.. They had wiped him right before you. Every memory he ever had of the night before was gone. This hurt more than imaginable, but beside you, Brock Rumlow was smirking like the fucker he was. You wanted nothing more than to rip his eyes out.. Or slap that stupid smirk off his face. You couldn't feel.. You couldn't cry.. Or they would know you had something to do with it all. That you would need your mind wiped. Which was exactly what you didn't want. Instead, you remained emotional. Listening as they told the soldier they had a mission for him. You stood there silent.. Nothing to say. Nothing left to do. The man you loved was gone before your eyes. Lord knew how long it would be before he remembered.. Or if he ever remembered again. Brock finally let go of your arm and ordered you off to your room.

That night sleep did not come easy for you. You spent the night tossing and turning. Remembering the feeling of his lips on your skin. The way he moved inside of you. The way you felt while he was marking your skin. Claiming you as his own. No one could see the marks on your skin. He made sure to keep them in a place you could hide them. Tears pool in your eyes as you stare up at the ceiling. You would never hear him talk to you. Never feel him hold you in his arms again. Never feel the love and protectiveness he had for you. The thing that broke you most, was the joy that Rumlow got from it. It was like he enjoyed watching you suffer. Watching you as your first true love was brainwashed.

From that day forward, you continued to do your job. Rumlow kept a close watch on you but you didn't pay him any attention. You did your job and continued following Hydra's rules. There was nothing else you could do. After awhile, they had Rumlow train you to fight. Wanting you to become an agent. They fully believed you were one of the best. Why? Well you would never know. However, Rumlow didn't go easy on you. There were days you were hurting so bad you wanted to cry. Did you? Hell no. That would only show them truly how weak you were. Before long, they were enjoying how strong you were. By then you were going on missions alongside the Winter Soldier. Making sure he was taken care of and fighting alongside him. They began calling you Winter's bitch. Which would have bothered you at one point and time.. Now? You were numb.

Broken you could say. You had nothing left to live for. Now you were putting your life into being a full time Hydra agent. Never forgetting anything they did to you or James. You still loved him even if he didn't love you back. Even if he never remembered you. As far as he was concerned he was not to speak a word to you. Rumlow eventually became bored with this. You were accustomed to his comments. To his touching you.. You used to flinch away but now you just let him do as he pleased. It made you sick afterwards but that never made you fight back. You were hollow. In some ways you were almost like a mindless soldier. Following orders and not talking back. Speak when spoken to or remain silent until given an order.

You had a kill list almost as high as the soldier. Many of the other Hydra agents soon became terrified of you when you snapped and stabbed Rumlow in the leg for touching you wrong. Granted he was just trying to push you as far as he could, that still didn't make it any better when he sat there shocked. You stitched up his wound but he only found himself smirking once more. You finally punched that smirk off his face, only to have a fight break out between them. You almost kicked his ass but he got you down to the ground and you wound up with bruised ribs.

Hydra took an even better liking to you and most other agents wouldn't cross you. Becoming heartless isn't something you wanted to be but being apart of Hydra for so long, you began to fit in. You had lost your hope of ever getting out of here. You had lost hope of ever finding your happiness with James. He was the soldier and you were his companion. His partner. The death numbers between you both were the highest Hydra had ever had. Truly they had succeeded in finding such a pair. When the soldier was given a mission, you were sent with him. A particular mission sent a off message to you. You were on the bridge with him when things got out of hand. He spoke in Russian to you and you nodded. Jumping down to the ground below with him. Both of you fighting and trying to take down the enemies. Keeping an eye on your soldier while the fight continued. When Steve Rogers knocked him to the ground you found yourself frozen.

"Bucky?" He speaks soft.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He narrows his eyes and then you are punching Steve in the face. Giving your soldier a signal, he nods and you are following after him. Your eyes meeting Steve's once more.

"(Y/N)?!" His eyes widen. He remembered you too. Shocked to see you alive.. He thought you died back in the forties. It would seem Hydra was kidnapping everyone he cared for and turning them into strangers. You ran after your soldier and followed him. He made sure you were with him the entire time as you ducked into a building together.

"Who was that man?" he asks soft.

"The man on the bridge?" You murmur. He nods and looks at you with this look. "His name is Steve Rogers."

He looks at you and remains silent, as if he was trying to process this.

"I remember him.. I remember you.." His voice is soft as he grabs your hand. You were almost about to kiss when you are both ambushed by Hydra. Bucky lets you get away, pushing you into a hiding place. Giving you a look. You screamed silently to yourself as Hydra took him away.

He remembers.

He remembers and they took him away from you again. Later after everything was safe, you slipped out of your hiding place and changed your clothing. Pulling a cap and sweater over your body you make your way out onto the streets. Looking for the man known as Steve Rogers. He was once someone she trusted and believed in. She remembered everything about him.

Regardless, Steve was shocked when he saw you on his front steps. He immediately pulled you into Sam Wilson's house. He didn't know what to say or do.. Just that he needed to know everything. Everything that happened to you. Natasha Romanoff didn't seem to trust you yet

because she had heard the stories.

"Look, trust me or don't. But i watched as those bastards rip my boyfriend apart. I watched as they took the man i /loved/ since i was a young dame in the forties. Hydra kidnapped me and destroyed my life. I'm lucky they never wiped my memories. But i watched.. I was forced to watch as they wiped him.. Numerous times. So don't tell me I don't have feelings! Do you know what it's like to watch Hydra destroy a man you love and then make him forget you? Force you to fight and become the soldier's partner in crime! Do you know how many people i was forced to kill?? Or Rumlow would beat the shit out of me!!!" She screams. Natasha remains silent as Steve stares. Taking a breath you continue.

"He remembered!! He remembered you. He remembered me!! He was going to kiss me and then they came. He made me hide, he told me he'd come back. I'm going after him.. Hydra is going to wipe him!! He's going to have a mission! He's going to have to kill you. When that comes? You let me at him." You state simple.

Steve's eyes widen as he stares at you. Unsure what to say or do. Natasha finally has an expression on her features. Shocked at your words.. Shocked at everything that was happening around them.

"I can't let you do that (Y/N)." Steve shakes his head.

"I didn't give you a choice. I won't let him kill anyone. I've lived my life. An awful one... but it was always with him. I can't let that be taken from me again.. But if i died because of him? I'd be okay with that. I can't let him believe he's this monster. Because he's not. You don't know what it's like to be tortured or forced to do things by Hydra. This wasn't his fault. No matter how much he blames himself. It's not him. Just promise me, If something happens... that you will look after him." You whisper soft.

Steve's eyes widen and with that you are going to walk out of the house. Steve grabs your arm and pulls you into a hug. Holding onto you tightly. He wasn't going to let go, he had missed you so much. He really thought he had lost everyone he knew back then.

"I always knew you and Buck would find each other." He murmurs. Your heart clenches in your chest and you finally hug him back. Trusting Steve more than anyone. "Let's get our boy back huh?"

Nodding you pull away and smirk in the smallest. You were ready to end Rumlow and find your boyfriend again. 

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