I Can't Sleep ( Tony Stark x Reader )

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Two in the morning rolled around and you woke up from a nightmare

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Two in the morning rolled around and you woke up from a nightmare. Rolling over to seek comfort you find the other side of your bed empty. Frowning you touch his half of the bed and find it cold. Getting out of bed, you wrap your arms around yourself and don't bother asking Jarvis where Tony is. Padding down the hall and towards the stairs you head down to his lab. Sure enough as you tell Jarvis to let you in. You find Tony working away as if he had no sleep schedule. Rubbing your eyes you continue your way towards your boyfriend. His non-existent sleep schedule bothered you. He never came to bed and with that, your nightmares only became worse. See, you had known Tony since Iron-Man first came to be. Yes, you were younger than most but not young enough to date him. Pepper didn't always approve but she had long since left. Tony saved your life when you were taken by someone who wanted to blackmail Tony. Regardless, here you were shivering and wanting your boyfriend to come to bed.

    "Tony?" You murmur. He jumps at the sound of your voice but turns to face you.

    "What are you doing up babe?" He asks gentle.


Tony's expression softens at the mention of this. He hated when you had nightmares. He wanted to protect you from those nightmares, but he also couldn't sleep himself. Hence why he was working himself to the point of exhaustion. Walking over to you he pulls you into his arms and presses a kiss to your forehead.

    "I'm right here and nothing is ever going to happen to you, okay?" his voice soothing as he rubbed your back.

    "I woke up and you were gone.."

    "I'm right here babe."

    "Come to bed.. Please."

Tony pulls away from you when you say this. His expression changing as he paces away from you. He didn't know how to explain what things were going on in his mind. Yes he could be open with you...but he just couldn't sleep.


    "I can't." He speaks up.

    "You are going to kill yourself if you continue working without sleep Tony. I need you sometimes. I hope you know that. Why didn't you come to me if you couldn't sleep? I love you damn it."  your tone wavers.

    "I love you too sweetheart. More than you would ever know but honey, i can't sleep." His voice getting a little louder. He didn't mean to raise his voice but he just couldn't sleep. Upon seeing your reaction he bites his lower lip. If there's one thing that broke Tony's heart it was seeing you cry.

    "If you can't sleep then talk to me. Talk to /me/." You throw your hands up. Slightly frustrated over the fact he wouldn't talk to you. Waiting for him to say anything, you study him. He stands there looking at you with his lost expression. The one that always made your heart shatter. You hated seeing Tony look like he was a bad guy, one that didn't deserve love or happiness. Shaking your head, you just turn around and go to walk out of the room. "You can come to bed and let me hold you or you can just work yourself to death. But i can't stand by and watch you do that Tony."

With those words spoken, you are making your way back up the stairs and to the bedroom. Once you are in there, you tell Jarvis not to let anyone bother you and that you want to be left alone. Well aware that Tony could override that command if it's given. Crawling into bed, you pull the covers around you and let the tears fall down your face. You hated this. Tony always worked too hard and it was going to be the death of him. Eventually after you finish crying, you wind up falling asleep. Jarvis tried to tell Tony your warning, but he canceled it and made his way into your shared bedroom. He hated fighting and right now all he wanted to do was apologize and hold you in his arms. He knew he needed the sleep but what waited for him when he did is what terrified him.

    "(Y/N).. babe--." He stops when he sees your tearstained face and the rise and fall of your chest. Indicating you had fallen asleep again. Deciding to take a shower, he grabs pajamas and gets cleaned up. Fifteen minutes later, Tony is crawling into bed and getting under the comforter. Brushing some of your hair to the side, he smiles sad. The woman he would give his life to save was laying next to him. Pressing a kiss to your temple, he pulls you into his arms. Not even a second later, you were waking up. Your (y/e/c) eyes fluttering open as you realize who came to bed. Too tired to fight him you just snuggle up to him regardless.

    "I'm sorry sweetheart.. I'm... I'm scared to lose you again.." he admits quietly.

    "Tony Stark.." you murmur. "You aren't going to lose me. I'm right here."

    "And this is why i love you so much. You haven't left me yet.."
    "Why do you believe you are so unworthy of love? Have I left you yet? Have I given you any reason to indicate that I don't love you anymore? Fuck, I would give my life for you. I would give you the world and more."

    "Shh.. I love you (y/n). I am so lucky to have you in my life sweetheart. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I know I'm not the easiest man to love but you have stayed and made it an enjoyable and happy life. I want to give you the world honey. I mean it. And I'm going to stay here tonight. I need you wrapped up in my arms. I need to know this is real and that you won't go anywhere.."

Hearing him admit that made you hug him tightly, pressing a kiss to his jaw gentle. Tony holds you against him and pulls the covers up over you both. He doesn't hesitate to pepper you with kisses. As your giggles fall from your lips, a smile forms on his face. He loved that sound and it was honestly a joy to hear it when you did laugh. He could rest easy falling asleep with the one woman he would cherish for the rest of his life.

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