I Have To Protect You ( Tony Stark x Reader)

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Another sleepless night for Tony as he remained down in his lab

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Another sleepless night for Tony as he remained down in his lab. He had been working numerous hours and hardly spent any time with you. Which ultimately left you bored and walking around the tower. The place was empty when Tony was lost in his lab. He spent days down there... literally, days. Sometimes you even wondered if you had a boyfriend. His half of the bed was untouched and cold. His pillows didn't even smell like him anymore.. They were slowly becoming covered in your own perfume. As you lay awake once again, you roll over and face his side of the bed. Your fingertips running along the blankets as you sigh. This time it's been nearly eight days. Shifting in bed, you glance at the clock and frown.

        4 a.m.

Getting out of bed, you don't bother asking JARVIS where Tony is. Grabbing two bottles of water, you grab food as well. Making your way down the stairs, a mission on your mind. He was either going to eat something or come out of his damn lab. Whatever he was working on could not be more important than his health. Muttering in the smallest you find the door locked. Rolling your eyes, you clear your throat.

    "JARVIS. I don't care what Tony said, you are opening these doors."

    "Miss.. I was informed not to unlock them."

    "JARVIS, I swear. I will get in and find a way to reboot you."

    "No thank you miss.. I will gladly unlock them."

    "You are the best JARVIS." You beam as you hear the doors unlock.

Stepping inside of his lab, you walk further inside. Things were out and his suits were lined up. Blinking, you continue further into his space and find him leaning over something and muttering under his breath. Raising an eyebrow, you continue across the floor.

    "Anthony Stark." You clear your throat. He jumps upon hearing your voice, dropping one of his tools.

    "(Y/N).. W-What are you doing in here?"

    "When's the last time you ate? Or even had any water in your system?"

    "I'm fine. Why aren't you sleeping?" He avoids the question.

    "Tony, I'm serious. You need to sleep." You cross your arms over your chest.

    "I'm fine, really."

Which just happened to be the last straw for you. He clearly was lying to you and thought killing himself over his inventions was worth it. Shaking your head, you set the water bottles down and take a breath. You didn't want to fight but you were exhausted and just wanted to see your boyfriend.

    "Try and get some more sleep honey." He speaks up once again before turning back around to continue what he was doing.

    "No." You mutter.

    "JARVIS, will you--."

    "No." You say louder. "You will not just dismiss me like that. I am not one of your Avenger members. I am not one of your assistants! You can't just push me away Anthony. Damn it. You told me you were different! That you actually cared and that you would, oh maybe come to bed? Take care of yourself and spend time with me! I've stuck by you. I stayed even after Pepper left you.. I've watched you fall apart and drink yourself silly. If you can't take care of yourself, how can you even have time for a relationship? I can't do this anymore Tony. You want to push me away fine.. I'm gone."

    "(Y/N)... You have to understand..I have to protect the one thing I can't live without..--" He starts.

    "I can't do with promises. They are broken ones anymore.."

With that you are walking for the doors. You had nothing left to say, he was clearly not going to listen to you anymore.

    "JARVIS, lock the doors." Tony calls out.

    "Anthony Stark you will--."

    "No, you are going to listen to what I have to say (Y/N)." He pauses and walks towards you. Grabbing your arm gentle, he speaks again.

"Look at me sweetheart. Please... " He whispers waiting for you to turn, and when you do he speaks again. "I have to protect you. I can't live without you. Can't you see that?" Tony's voice softens as he looks at you again. "I love you. I always will."

The soft expression on his face told you right away he was always going to mean what he said. The tears formed in your eyes before you could stop them. It would seem he had won you over once again. He was always so sweet to you when you were upset. Not that he wasn't always sweet to begin with, it just became rough sometimes.  Brushing your tears away, Tony presses a kiss to your forehead.

    "I love you." He repeats and finally kisses your lips.

As soon as this happened, you melted against him. He smiles and breaks the kiss as he wraps his arms around you. He could put his work on hold right now and come to bed. He needed to spend time with his girl. Otherwise things might really get worse. He didn't want to ruin what he has with you. Scooping you up he carries you off to your shared bedroom. He sets you on the bed and crawls in after you.

    "I love you Tony." You yawn and snuggle right up to him. He happily holds you against him and closes his eyes as well.

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