Plums ( Bucky Barnes x Reader )

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He always came for plums, always wanting know if they were fresh. Not only that but he seemed shy as well. But behind those eyes you knew there was a painful backstory. Those deep baby blues always holding your soul. Your boss hated when you spoke to the male a little longer than necessary. However, you couldn't help yourself, he was attractive. Not only that, but he seemed to be mysterious which added to your little life. You lived in a tiny little apartment here and made your payments by the money you made while working. Some days you would see the mysterious male and sometimes you wouldn't. Which always disappointed you.

It was another three days before he came back and was going through the plums again. You were talking with another customer. They were taking up a bit of your time as you continued to speak in English with them. Giving them directions to one of the diners they were looking for. Once they were gone, you were getting ready to close up when your eyes landed on a familiar man. It was him. He was back and looking at the plums.

"Hello." You speak gentle. His eyes flicker up and he offers a shy smile. One that made you blush a little. He begins speaking to you once more in Russian this time. He was testing you today. How wrong he would be when you toss a few words of Russian back at him. It would seem a small smirk crossed his lips.

"Would you be interested in dinner?" He asks quietly. His baby blues locked on your face as if gauging your reactions. Taken back by his question you raise an eyebrow. Did someone set him up to this? Reading your features some more he glances down as he pulls out some cash to pay for the plums. "Maybe you'll have an answer the next time i see you doll."

He was gone before you could say a damn word. That man had a hint of a Brooklyn accent. Something that you found interesting and damn hot. Mystery man was going to bother you until you saw him again.

A couple weeks go by and you don't see him. You even picked up some extra shifts, hoping to see him again. Your boss didn't really care, he seemed to like you a lot and thought maybe you were behind on rent. He knew how hard you worked to pay your rent and then feed the neighbor kids in your apartment building. Barely eating yourself, times were rough around here. On your last shift of the week you were taking your break and drinking some water when your friend Josie tapped your shoulder.

"Someone tall, dark, and handsome is looking for you. He even asked for you by name." Josie winks.

A blush forms on your cheeks as you nudge her playfully. Of course she would say that, but did this mean your mystery man was back. Your question was answered when you nearly bump into him. Stuttering out a small apology, you see a smile cross those sweet lips.

"So did you think about my offer?" He questions gentle.

"I did.. And yes." You respond quiet.

"I'm sorry what was that doll?"

Peeking up at him, you flash a shy smile at him.

"Yes, I'd love to go to dinner with you."

The biggest smile crosses his lips and he asks when you are off. Telling him the time he nods and promises to be back then. The shift is done and by the end of the day you are getting your three weeks paid. It was a lot of money and your manager tossed in a bonus. Saying you were a bright young woman and he wanted to see you get out of here. With tears in your eyes you hugged him and then waited on mysterious man. He appears and offers his arm to you. Taking it you fall into step with him.

"So i never got your name.. You know mine."

"Uh.. Bucky." He murmurs soft.

"Bucky huh? That stand for something?"

"James..James Barnes." Not that he felt completely comfortable with that still.

"Pleasure to meet you James. I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

A light chuckle comes from him as he leads you down the street. Constantly keeping watch as he leads you somewhere. Curious you continue to follow him and that when he takes you into an apartment building and up to the top. Opening a door, he lets you inside and locks it behind you both. A peaceful smell is flowing through the area as he takes your jacket.

"I hope you like spaghetti?" He asks.

"I love it." You respond with a cheesy smile.

Bucky pulls out your chair as he dishes out the food for you both. You watch amazed, never before seeing a male cook like this for someone. As he sets the plate down before you, you find your mouth watering already. You haven't ate any actual food in a few days, so to say your stomach was growling would be an understatement. He seems to notice and is sitting down beside you.

"You look like you're starved doll." A frown forms on his features.

"Uh.. i just don't eat often." You murmur.

"A girl as beautiful as you needs her food."

"Me? Beautiful?" A gasp comes from your lips.

He nods and motions for you to eat. A shy smile crosses your lips and then you dig in. One bite and you are in love. A moan coming from your lips, taking him by surprise and intrigued. You swallow and begin complimenting him on his cooking abilities. It was Bucky's turn to blush now.

After dinner you help him wash dishes and he leads you to his living room. It was small but the place had it's slight cozy side to it. He seemed to live alone and you wondered if that was lonely. Bucky begins asking several questions and you find yourself answering them happily. No one had ever asked you so many questions and genuinely seemed interested in you. Never in your life have you found yourself enjoying someone's company. He was sweet but you knew he had a story. A story he didn't want to share but you continued talking about your hopes and dreams. Wanting to get out of here and travel. He begins telling you stories of the places he had been and you found yourself hanging on his every word. Eventually you gain the courage to ask him something.

"You're from Brooklyn aren't you? I noticed the accent." You murmur curiously.

"That noticeable doll?" He raises an eyebrow as he tucks a strand of loose hair behind your ear.

"Kind of. I've picked up on a lot of people's accents that come here."

"Yet you've never traveled to the states?"

"Mm.. nope."

"We should change that."

At those words your eyes widen as you stare at him. A laugh comes from him as he watches your expressions. Finally finding your voice you speak up.

"Are you serious?"

"Deadly darling." He admits gentle.


"Because, you have such a brightness to you doll. Something i haven't seen in a woman since the forties." He admits. Your eyes widen as you take in his words. The forties?

"Y-You're the man I've heard stories of. Steve Rogers best friend."

"I guess yeah.. But I'm not the same man."

"Men change. That's okay James." You offer a gentle smile and reach over to touch his hand. He closes his eyes and you take the opportunity to brush his cheek gentle. Leaning forward to kiss his jaw soft. "I know the horrors.. I've seen so many things.. Things they don't think i see."

His eyes open and without any hesitation he is kissing your lips carefully. Shocked at first, you find yourself melting into him. His lips were perfect and you couldn't believe he was kissing you.

"Breathe doll." He mumbles against your lips. Finding your breathing, you pull back a little and nuzzle your nose against his. "So whatcha' say doll, travel the world with me?"

Without hesitation you respond.

"Yes please."

The biggest smile crosses his lips as he pulls you close. He may have only really been going for the plums just to see the beautiful girl who was so wide eyed and peaceful.

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