Is This Goodbye? Part One - ( Bucky Barnes x Reader)

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The Winter Soldier, well really he wasn't the soldier to her. She had known him since they were kids. Always the ladies man and looking out for Steve Rogers and herself. She was heartbroken when she heard about his death, however, shortly after she was kidnapped and brought to the same facility. Terrified didn't even begin to explain (Y/N)'s feelings. Her body was shaking and she hadn't been given a choice. They took her at night and spoke to her in Russian. Something she had picked up on while training to be a nurse. She had picked up learning several different languages. Which is exactly why Hydra recruited her. That and she was highly skilled in fixing battle wounds. The doctors assigned you immediately to... James. James Buchanan Barnes. Going to say something the doctor grabs her by the hair and drags (Y/N) to the chair.

"This is the chair you will wind my pretty, don't say his name. Don't think it. This is a soldier. You will be his caretaker." The doctor snarls and shoves her. (Y/N) responds in Russian, accepting her fate. She would do anything for Bucky. However, she was never expecting to be there when they started wiping him. They took his memories away, the memories and even created trigger words for their new soldier. Something she couldn't stand to see. However, you held yourself together. Made sure you never uttered a sound as they put him in that chair. Things you wished you could have stopped. Things you wished you never had to see the man you loved go through.

Nevertheless, (Y/N) took her place beside the soldier. The broken shell of the man she once knew. But did that stop her from loving him? Hell no. She continued to love him through all of it. Taking care of him when she was ordered to. Becoming one of Hydra's favorite doctors. Keeping her mouth shut and going through whatever tests they wanted her to do. To keep her alive they gave her a serum similar to Bucky's. Of course that wasn't your choice, you were stuck living as the times changed. When they put him under, you watched over his chambers. Making sure things were prepared for when they next needed the soldier.

It was nothing new, the Winter Soldier had a few bullet injuries that needed to be cleaned. You went about your normal business, cleaning out the wounds while he stared at the wall. It broke your heart seeing him so broken. Getting lost in the memories you had with the male before you, you barely heard him speak low.

"(Y/N).." He voice barely above a whisper. Your thoughts were interrupted when his flesh hand grabbed your own.

"J-James?" You murmur, your eyes flicking to his.

"(Y/N).. doll." His voice sounding broken as he looked back and forth between your eyes.

You didn't know what to say, you were lost at the fact he remembered your name. Tears formed in your eyes as you tried to find your voice. You knew if you both were caught talking and let alone that James was remembering? You both would be dead. James would be wiped and your own memories would be wiped. All the years you've spent with the soldier would be gone. Everything you knew about Hydra would be gone. Things you kept to yourself, things you would be willing to share to end Hydra. Not that you ever told anyone the things you had seen.

"You need to keep quiet Soldier." (Y/N) states simple. Giving him a pleading look to keep his mouth shut. He seemed to take this and shut his mouth, letting you continue to do your work. When you finally do finish you brush some of his hair behind his ear gentle. "Don't say a word.. Promise me that. I'm going to try and get us out of here."

Pulling away from him, you call out in Russian and the guards are coming in to take the soldier away. Your eyes lingering after him, unsure what to say or do. You just knew you had to find a way to get him out of here and that wasn't going to change. The man you loved was still somewhere inside of him.

To say things kept this was the next time you met would be a shock. He had some knife wounds this time and you were patching them up when you felt his gaze on you. Not looking up at him you keep working. Working, that is until you feel his flesh hand on your jaw, making you look up at him. His eyes almost pleading you to say something to him. Biting your lower lip, you go to pull from his grasp, this could only end badly. He murmurs something in Russian and then leans down closer to your lips. His eyes locked on you, and in that moment you wanted nothing more than to kiss him. It was almost as if he read your mind, because not a second later, those sweet lips were on yours. His metal hand resting on your hip as his other hand brushes you hair behind your shoulder. After a second he pulls back and touches your cheek softly.

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