Our Home - Part One ( Clint Barton x Reader)

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Clint had invited all of the Avengers to the secret the two of you kept

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Clint had invited all of the Avengers to the secret the two of you kept. The one thing no one ever knew about. Yes, you and Clint had a farm. You both came here after rough missions and had a few months to relax and come back when called upon. This was your secret and you loved the time you spent with your long-term boyfriend. Hell, this farm had been in your life for quite some time. Now, when things went sideways and everyone needed a place to crash, you and Clint took them to the farm. Everyone was shocked and in awe at the place. You were feeling more at home and Clint was happy to see you so relaxed. Lucky came into the room wagging his tail happily. Barking as you kneeled on the floor and let him jump on you. Clint laughs for the first time today and shakes his head. Only you would let the dog jump on you. Leaning down he pats Lucky's head and then helps you up.

    "Welcome to our home guys." Clint speaks soft. His arm slipping around your waist as he pulled you closer.

    "How long have you guys had this place?" Steve asks with a soft smile.

    "About seven years now?" You speak as you glance up at your boyfriend. "It was in my family's name and we put a lot of work into it."

    "It's amazing." Bruce speaks up.

    "Make yourselves at home guys. Shower is upstairs. There's four bedrooms. I'll make dinner." You state simple and move to kiss Clint's cheek. From there you are slipping from his grasp. Clint protests small and watches you as you start cooking. Eventually he gets up and helps around. Really, he just wanted an excuse to touch you.

    "Clint Barton." You scold soft.

    "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." He scolds back playfully and moves your hair to kiss your neck. Which only made you shiver small. Natasha meanwhile had walked in with a small smirk on her lips. She was happy for the two.

    "Barton, when are you going to make her your wife?" Natasha smirks again. You jump and push at your boyfriend small.

    "He's too scared to ask." You giggle and Clint grabs your sides making you squeal.

    "I am not scared to ask." He huffs.

A few more giggles come from you and Natasha and before long dinner is ready. Everyone sits down to eat together. Talking about the simple things and about the happier things. No one wanted to talk about the current situation they were facing together as a team. You found yourself enjoying this more than anything. These people were your family and you wouldn't change that for the world. Once dinner is done everyone is helping clean up. Dishes are washed and put away and  everyone is grabbing beer. You smile small and start up a game of darts. Clint sits on his chair and watches you. Still debating over how he was going to ask you to marry him.

Steve was clearly cheating at darts and you started a playful argument with him. Steve scoffs and rolls his eyes. Natasha slid next to Clint and nudges him gentle. Her eyes filled with a certain knowledge.

    "Clint, you need to ask her. Before it's too late. We can have a small wedding tomorrow. Just ask her. We know you two are head over heels in love with each other. You have been since you first met. It's been seven years Clint." She speaks soft.

    "I know Tasha.. I know.. But what if she says no?" He mumbles. Natasha scoffs and smacks him upside the head.

    "She loves you idiot." With that, Natasha is getting up. Giving him a look before taking Steve's place. Whispering something to him and then goes to distract (Y/N). Clint would be proposing to his long-term girlfriend, or Natasha would be kicking his ass. Steve drags Clint away and helps him with the surprise out in the barn.

    "Steve, I've never been this nervous before." Clint admits soft. "I've shot a million arrows.. I've done a million crazy things.. But this.. This is surreal."

    "You can do this Clint. Come on, all of us know this is forever. You two have been together for so long." Steve murmurs soft. "Marry her. She's a keeper."

    "Alright.. I'll wait. Just.. just send her my way." He smiles nervously.

Nodding Steve is heading back inside, a smile on his lips. It was really going to happen, after everything that had gone wrong for them recently? Clint and (Y/N) were finally going to get married.

You on the other hand had finally noticed your boyfriend was no longer in the immediate area. Part of you wondered if he had gone out to go stargazing. You both did that late at night when the breeze was crisp, but not frigid. Opting out of the game you grab your glass of wine and head out the back door. Looking for your boyfriend, wondering where he had gone. Barefoot, you make your way across the grass looking for him. Frowning small you continue to walk and that's when you hear your name.

    "Looking for me (Y/N)?" Clint teases. A silly smile crosses your lips as you turn around. He was leaning against the tree an amused look on his features.

    "What are you doing out here silly?"

    "Waiting on you my love."

    "That so Barton?" You raise an eyebrow.

    "That is so my angel." He smiles and takes your hand pulling you towards him. A giggle falling from your lips. He kisses you sweetly and then pulls back to nuzzle his nose against yours. "I have a surprise for you.. But i need you to close your eyes love."

    "Aw.. do i have to?" You whine playfully.

    "Yes angel." He nods and covers your eyes.

    "Fine." You mumble and he carefully leads you where he wants you. Once you feel hay under your toes you know you are in the barn. Part of you wanting to know what he had out here for you. Pulling his hands away from your eyes, you blink a few times and notice the area. Your heart leaps in your chest. You and Clint had done something like this in a barn one time. You were away on a mission in a small town with a farm. Smiling you whip around and are going to jump in his arms when you find him down on one knee. Your hand flies to your mouth as you stand shocked.

    "(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), seven years is a long time to wait and do this and I'd be lying if i said i wasn't nervous. I just can't believe it's taken me this long.. I just I can't imagine my life without you sweetheart. This farm, our life together, I want it for the rest of my life. I want you to be my wife. I want to start a family even if it's a crazy thing to do. Let's be crazy. Let's take that jump. Let's do everything together angel. I can't tell you how much i love waking up with you.. How much i love being able to kiss your face and pull you close to me. Listen to your heartbeat and know we are home safe together. I love you (Y/N).. so what do you say? Be my wife?" He asks as he blinks a few times. Waiting on your response as you stare at the beautiful ring and your long-term boyfriend down on one knee. Without a word you are flinging yourself onto him and crashing your lips on his.

    "Yes.." You mumble against his lips. "Yes.. Yes.. Yes i'll be your wife you sweet idiot."

    "Hey, I'm your idiot." He whines playfully. Before he could say anymore you are kissing him again. Clint accepts this and breaks away to put the ring on your finger.

    "I love you Clint Barton."

    "I love you too Mrs. Barton." He smiles and kisses your forehead.

Not even a second later there is several screams of joy and the rest of your team rushing into the barn. A squeal comes from you when Steve picks you up off Clint and hugs you tightly. Natasha pulls Clint up and smirks small, shaking his hand.

    "Treat her right Barton." She narrows her eyes. Clint swallows and nods soft at his friend. He couldn't imagine his life without you. And tomorrow he would be a happily married man.

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