Spring break pt 1

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Kristen lives in Georgia with her boyfriend Kyle and her best friend Mariah. Kristen found out she is moving to florida where her new step dad and step brother are. Kristen tries to put off the moving date but she can't any more so she have to leave for Florida. After the ride down there Is over she goes inside her step dad's mansion and look around. Kristen was mesmerized by the beauty of the house but then remembered she didn't know where anything was, so she yelled "hello?". After a little pause she heard a voice that said "hold on a sec". Before Kristen could get out another word out of no where two boys come running around the corner. Kristen jumped "I didn't know I had two brothers" then another boy came running around the corner a little out of breath and said "you only have one, I'm Chres but you can also call me roc" Kristen looked at the other two boys and thought they were cute. "oh well I'm Kristen and I would like to know where my new room is" one of the boys jumped towards her and said "I'll show you where your room is and by the way my name is rayan but you can call me ray" Kristen started to get a little nervous but managed to say "I'm Kristen and um yea" Kristen thought to herself why am I so stupid.

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