Spring break pt 13

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Mariah's point of veiw

I finally caught up to her on the stairs "hey you okay?" I asked "yea I just got to think about some stuff you know" Kristen answered. "well like what, I won't tell" I said "if don't know if roc will like me liking ray and what if I ruin his friendship with ray on accident or something." I stopped talking nodded, I understood where she was coming from cause when my brother still lived with me and our parents a bunch of cute guys would flirt with me in front of him too and once he caught on that friend was gone. "I think I'm going to take a bath and think" Kristen said laughing a little, I laughed a little too "okay I'll keep the guys downstairs." I smiled and got her tole for her "thanks and if one of the guys go upstairs you can tell them I'm in the tub." I nodded took my headphones and went downstairs.

So I went downstairs and heated up some eating Chinese food, then the prince walked in. "hey is everything good?" Prince asked, I mean for ray no but I don't know what he considers good "uh sure" I answered "sure?" Prince questioned "yea if you think everything is fine then yea everything is fine." I wasn't sure what to say with ray probably listening and if not prince telling him. "What happened?" Prince asked "um" I was thinking of something but instead of words coming out of my mouth prince put down my food and tried to kiss me. "Honey you woulda thought you ain't slick we are talking not kissing" I said moving his face, he looked surprised I guess I've never been ghetto with him before. "Where's ray?" I asked him "outside but before you go I like it when your feisty" prince said biting his lip looking into my eyes. I ducked and moved over so instead of being I front of prince I was next to him, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went outside. Ray was sitting with his feet in the pool. "you okay ray?" I asked "uh no can you tell me what happened" he asked with concern. I thought to myself, she doesn't want me to tell the guys what she is doing. "Long story short kris is thinking about some stuff" I said not revealing where kris was. "Hey where is she I gotta talk to her" he said jumping up out the pool. "I don't think so ray" I said not looking at ray. Then prince has the nerve to come outside eating my good Chinese food. I punched prince in the arm and grabbed my food "you would've thought" I said going inside. "Wait Mariah wheres kris?" He said exclaimed following me, "your still wet go dry off" I said going inside closing the door before the guys could come in.

A/N: Mariah can't here the guys talk

"Hey can you go and find out where kris is?" Ray said to prince. He sighed "I can try but if she gets mad at me you have to take the blame for it" prince said to ray. "Alright whatever" ray said getting a towel "I gotta dye off so I can go inside." So prince went inside and sat on the couch next to Mariah.

Still Mariah's POV

Prince sat next to me "what do you want to do mar?" Prince asked. That's interesting usually he is the one taking control but I guess it's nice making a choice for once. "Ummm can we cuddle while I go on my phone?" I asked prince "sure" he said picking me up and sitting me on his lap. It was such a sweet moment till stupid asked "where is kris anyway?" He laughed a little. I got up, sat on a single seat chair, put my earphones in and started listening to 3005 by childish gambino. Prince was moving his mouth but I closed my eyes and toned him out. I think prince was calling my name or that was the song. All i know is that when prince got up and bite his lip something was going to happen. He came up to me and started grinding on me, I kicked him off me cause he's not getting off that easy. Ray came inside and was about to go upstairs. "Where are you going?" I asked ray "to take a shower" he replied. He can't go upstairs cause kris is up there and may be using the bathroom he is talking about. "you can't take a shower" I told ray "why?" Ray questioned "kris is in the tub" I said to him. He started running up the stairs I grabbed his foot "she doesn't want you in there!" I yelled "come get your girl" ray shouted to prince, prince came behind me and yanked me by my waist releasing my grip of ray's foot. "Babe chill" he said making me sit on his lap, "get off me" I said "no" he replied "kiss me" I said. I had a plan, he leaned in and kissed me I kissed back then punched his private and sat on the single chair again.


Kris's POV

I'm in the tub and I have the lights low and listening to a random playlist, halo by beyonce came on and I was singing.

Ray's POV

So I went upstairs and went to the bathroom and started to hear kris sing, she's amazing. She was singing halo by Beyoncé, she sounded just like her. She started to get quieter and I pressed my ear on the door, I fell through the door. "GET OUT!" Kris yelled "shh shh please I just need to talk to you please" I said to her while closing the door. "okay you know what you have 5 minutes cause your lucky there's bubbles in here" she said sinking deeper into the tub. "Okay well I was wondering what were you thinking about" I said softly, "okay well you don't need to know and I'm getting out cause I'm getting pruny so get out." She said looking at her hand. "But I want to stay" I smirked, she rolled her eyes "turn around perv" she said. I turned around and she got out, I turned back a little bit and saw her. "I like your ass" I smirked, she covered herself quick and pushed me out. After a little bit she came out in a tank top and basket ball shorts and went to her room. I followed her and closed the door, "so what were you thinking about?" I asked again "uh life in Georgia" she replied "why did you hesitate?" I questioned "I didn't" she replied. I know she hesitated, she lied "tell me" I looked at her "you know what I'm going to bed" she said putting covers on her "get out" she said. "No tell me" I whined getting under the covers with her. "Um you want to move?" She said "not until you tell me what you were thinking" I said putting my arms around her. "Get off me rayan" she said trying to move away, "tell meeeeeee" ray said "GET OFF" she raised her voice. "Tell me or were gonna be here all night" I said to kris. "ROC!" She yelled, roc bursted into the room "wtf is going on?" He said looking at me. I jumped up "look she was thinking about something and I'm pretty sure something was me." He said to roc "okay well I don't care just stop bothering her" roc said "can I talk to you man" ray said to roc. He nodded and they both went into his room and chamber came out. I was going to ask Mariah something but she's all the way downstairs so I asked chamber instead.

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