Spring Break pt 2

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(Now it's Kristen's point of view)

Ray smiled and shook his head and grabbed me like he knew I was nervous. Chres or Chris and the other boy are following us up the stairs. "This is your room" smiled Ray. "thanks I put my bag down and my room was huge and my bed was amazingly soft. "Do you like your room" said Chres "yea I love it" turns to the other boy and said "what's your name" the other boy comes towards me, spins me and hugs you from the back "my names Jacob but you can call me prince" he smirked. Chres then came over and took prince's hands off me and Sat me on the bed. "Let's talk in the hallway prince" roc pulled him into the hallway and shut the door, so I was alone with ray."so have you ever been to Florida" said ray "well not this part but I've been to Florida before" I didn't want to seem stupid but I have been to this part before I just don't know it well. When roc came back in I felt bad for Jacob, like I just met roc and now he's going to take control of my life. "prince can you come over here" prince got up and stood in front of me I kissed him on the cheek "I'm sorry for Chres". Prince looked really surprised at first but then he said "it's okay if I had a sister I would be protective too"

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