Spring break pt 11

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Kristen's point of view

I ran downstairs laughing like a fool and then I saw prince. "prince, prince I'll forgive you if you protect me" I said jumping on his back. he grabbed my legs an said "protect you from what?" then we see ray stumble down the stairs holding his stomach "put her down or give her to me she jabbed me in the stomach!" Princeton started laughing "I've been waiting for someone to hurt him" he ran behind a couch an ray was standing on the other side. He suddenly jumped over the couch pulled me off princes back knocking him down and pulled me on the couch. he put me on the couch and sat on me tickling my stomach I was laughing "stop" I yelled while laughing. "say sorry!" he said "never!" I yelled back, he stared to get more aggressive and I couldn't take it any more "I'm sorry" I yelled. He immediately got off me and sat on a different couch like nothing happen, Prince was sitting there the whole time so I went over to him and kissed him on the cheek "thanks for trying" he smiled and then I looked at ray "well can I at lease have a hug?" I gave him a look "for what?" he paused for a second and then said "for leaving you alone with Jacob I mean prince". Jacob is princes real name, huh it's nice maybe I'll call him that. I went over to ray and gave him a hug and then someone came to the door it was roc he unlocked it and came inside. "Hey my dad called he said there's gonna be a guest staying with us for the rest of the week and that she should be coming soon." roc said going to the kitchen, I gave him a strange look. who could be coming here for the rest of spring break? I went to roc in the kitchen "hey did he say the name?" I questioned he put down his water and said "no but I think he said you know her or something like that but that aside my girlfriend, chamber is also staying for the rest of break but when she come you probably won't see me as often" he smirked. "Your gross and-" hears knocking at door "can you get that" roc asked while making a sandwich. I nodded and headed toward the door and opened it. "KRISTEN!!!!" she yelled "MARIAH!!!!" I yelled louder, I hugged her tight and said "how did you even get here?" "your mom felt bad that there were no girls with you so she called my mom" Mariah answered. I smiled and took her bag and lead her to my room. "your house is beautiful" Mariah Said "I know but you should see downstairs and the backyard it's amazing" I replied. "okay so you like the one with braids right" Mariah said putting on lip gloss "yea but you and prince would be so cute" I said putting on mascara. "Okay well I'll see" she said fixing her shirt, "okay well you ready" I said to Mar (mariah), she nodded and we went back downstairs. all the guys were on there phones until we got downstairs. we stood in front of the guys and I introduced Mariah "this is Mariah guys she'll be staying with us for the rest of spring break." all the guys are siting on different couches so I whispered to Mariah "that's prince" and she whispers back "he's sexy" while sitting on the other side on the couch prince was on. I sat next to ray on my phone and prince said "I don't bite mariah" moving closer to Mariah. "Oh yea guys...um chamber is coming over for the rest of the week too so can everyone at lease say hi" roc asked, "ugh she don't like me and I don't like her" ray whined. "well say hi then go downstairs or something" roc replied "whatever" ray answered. And before you knew it she was knocking at the door. "hey chamber" roc said sweetly, she hugged roc and whispered something in his ear and I couldn't hear it but right after that roc grabbed her duffle bag introduce me and Mariah quickly and went up to his room. "so want to go downstairs or something?" I said to everyone, they all nodded and we all went downstairs. Instead of playing a video game we just watched like 3 wild n outs. "Do you guys want to play truth or dare?" ray asked, "I'm up for it" I said "yea" Mariah and prince agreed. "okay kris truth or dare?" ray asked me "I might regret this but dare" I sighed. "wait what?" ray asked with shock "dare" I repeated. "I dare you to kiss me" ray smirked "oh well that's not-" "passionately" he said cutting me off. "Of corse I should've seen it with your horny ass" I whisper to myself "huh?" ray said "nothing just come here" I said, he leaned in and I kissed him and he kissed back then he added tongue, I pulled away fast. "really" I said wiping my mouth. "you liked it" he smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes and looked at prince "truth or dare?" I asked "truth" he answered "what do you think of mariah?" I asked "I think she's beautiful and seems very nice and I have a little crush on her already" he answered while he was blushing. "Aww I like you too prince" Mariah said smiling. "truth or dare mariah?" said prince "dare" said Mariah "you can refuse if you want cause we just met but can I have a lap dance?" he said covering his cheek like he was expecting a slap. she went over to prince and have him a lap dance. I scooted away from ray "why so far" he said moving close to me "no reason" I said moving over more "stop I gotta ask you something" he said coming over top of me holding me down. "rayan get off" I said "truth or dare?" he asked "uh truth?" I un-easily answered. "how do you really feel about me?" he asked looking into my eyes, "I-I like you" I said looking into his eyes. there was a pause and then he kissed me, I kissed back then pulled away.

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