Spring break pt 7

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"Who is it?" I yelled before opening the door, a voice replied "open the door". I don't just want to open the door, cause what if that dream was a sign. "who is it" I yelled louder, the voice replied with a sigh "it's roc" "finally" I said while opening the door. he still didn't have a shirt on from the pool, I had on a t shirt and shorts over my bathing suit. "you okay?" he asked with concern "yea I just took a little nap" I answered. He gave me a concerned look and tilted his head a little "I heard you yelling" my cheeks were getting hot "I guess it was a nightmare or whatever I'm going to eat something" I said closing my door and pushing roc out the way a little. he followed me going down the stairs

Roc's point of view

As we went down the stair the the living room Kristen said hi to the boys and kept walking to the kitchen. "did you find out what that noise was?" asked princeton, I was about to answer him but Kristen screamed! I ran into the kitchen, she was holding her bleeding foot as I noticed glass on the floor. I picked her up and put her on the counter and tried to look at her foot, she jerked it out of my hands. "I have to see it kris" I said to her with reassuring eyes, she slowly gave me her foot "I have to wrap it okay so we are going to move to your room okay?" she nodded and I picked her up and went upstairs and set her on her bed. I went to go get my supplies, I hung up a sheet so she won't see me doing anything to her foot but just in case I had ray hold her arms and prince her legs.

Kristen's point of view

I was struggling to get up off the bed when ray and prince grabbed my arms. "guys distract her" roc said grabbing my foot. "how?" prince replied "I don't care how just do it!" he said struggling to get my foot to stay still. They both smirked that's probably what they have been waiting for. I swallowed hard and and screamed roc just pulled the first piece of glass out my foot. The boys look at each other than prince starts rubbing my thigh and ray gets close and whispers "you will love this" and smirks. He starts passionately kissing my neck, I bite my lip and then prince, for some reason started feeling my V. I got the chills and ray pulled away from my neck and looked into my eyes, then started kissing my lips. prince tried to feel me again but I closed my legs tight so he couldn't feel me again. I actually liked kissing ray he was gentle and I would never think I would enjoy that or he would even do that. ray pulled away from my lips and prince let go of my legs. I saw my foot it had bandages on but I felt fine, I hugged roc and said "thanks bro" he smiled and carried me downstairs to the living room. But then I wanted to be in my room, I'm not suppose to be on my foot so much but I don't care.

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