Spring break pt 16

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Rays pov

Honestly I want to watch a movie with kris but idk it's still light outside so imma let her tan I guess. So they outside tanning and for some odd reason me and prince had the urge to go to a bar. So we told roc, well prince did and we went to a bar and had a couple of drinks and took just a couple home, so really we were drunk. But we got drunk when we had those last few drinks at the house not at the bar, therefore we were not drunk driving just to point that out. Everyone was inside cause it was dark not the Mariah and kris were in there room and we went to find them. I don't know about prince but I'm pretty horny right know and I dot know why. So we finally stumble up the stairs and said "hey sexys" almost tripping over Princeton, kris was on her bed and Mariah on a computer chair. Prince walked over to Mariah and I went to kris I straddled her "hey babe wwwhass up" I said kissing her neck. "Ray are you alright?" She asked "ssssssure bae in just a little horny" I replied

Kris pov

HE was drunk oh my god I can't even right now I love Ray and I don't want him to mess this up. He started kissing my neck and i don't want to regret anything tonight but i just want to try some stuff "hey Mariah same thing going on with you?" I asked "yep" she called back "Ray can you get off so we can try something else" I said biting my lip "yea ssssure" he said getting off me. Okay so I don't know what mar is gonna do but imma enjoy this "mar watch me imma take advantage of this shit" I called out "Ray can you grind" I asked he pushed me on the bed and got on top of me and started to grind I guess that answered my question. Prince carried Mariah to the guest room, oh gosh I don't really want to know what is next when we're alone. I was grinding and then he asked "can you ride?" I was nervous cause I only knew what a lap dance was so I did what but slower. He was enjoying it and I had a good time as well, I leaned down and kissed his neck and put my hand up his shirt. He took off his shirt, I took off mine, he took off his pants and I took off mine. I was getting hot and sexy, I rubbed my hand down his abs to his crotch and I was slowly dragged my ass back and forth from abs to crotch. Then soon everything came off and I black out, but I know what happened.

Mariah pov

Prince just carried me into the guest room and slammed me on the bed it didn't hurt but I was a little scared. He kissed me so passionately I slid my hand up his shirt and he slid his hand up my shirt. He took his hand out my shirt and into my pants felling around then rubbing my V, oh it felt so good then we both stripped. He took everything off and I did too, I wrapped my legs around his waist and I could feel what just happened. We were one, if you want to say it the poetic way but if you want to say it my way then I got the D, lol. Okay aside I think kris got the same thing cause i heard her screaming Rays name, even though I was screaming princes too. But it was amazing he might not remember it but I sure will and I'll tell him tomorrow if he don't.

Next day

I woke up naked next to prince, at first I was surprised but then I remembered what happened last night. I woke him up, "prince do you remember last night?" I questioned him "nah it's a blur" he said rubbing his eyes. Well I could just say it or tell him to look under the covers, "well I do" I said lifting the covers. "Wait did we have sex?" He asked "it was amazing" I said "I just can't believe I don't remember it" he said getting on top of me "well we're not going again now so what are you doing?" I asked "I'm just trying to remember" he smirked. "Okay I'll help" I said, I kissed him passionately and rubbed his abs, he rubbed my butt. I pulled away "you did the same thing yesterday" I giggled, "really?" He said rubbing my thigh softly "yea" I replied. "Now get off me I'm taking a shower" I said "whyyyy" prince said rubbing my V. "Prince get off me before you start something" I was Closing my legs tight and was trying to turn to the side. "Can we re create last night" he asked "not right now no, GET OFF" I finally pushed him off me and went to the bathroom.

Kris pov

I woke up next to Ray under the covers naked. So all that wasn't just a good dream that shit was real. I tried to get up but I woke Ray. "What happened" he said sleepy "you got drunk and we had sex" I said looking the other way. "What, we had sex and I don't remember it" Ray said covering his face "do you not believe me?" I said looking at Ray "not really" he replied "look under the covers" I said. He lifted the cover and he saw my bare body next to his, I'm just glad when I leaned up I saw a condom on the floor. "Yea and it was good" I said "good?" He exclaimed "okay it was my first and it was amazing" I laughed. "awwww I'm my baby's first" he said, yes I guess it was special but it wasn't like super romantic but it was perfect enough for me. "But aside to that can I get that again sometime" he asked, I giggled but I know he was serious. "How about I just give you a hint now" I said straddling him staring to kiss him in the neck and bounced on him a little. "I'm actually starting to remember" he said biting his lip. "Good cause imma get into pjs and get some breakfast" I said sliding off Ray and putting on a sports bra and shorts. Ray put on his basketball shorts and went downstairs with me and saw prince and Mariah. I wonder if the same thing happen to her I'm going to talk to her. I first put some cinnamon rolls in the oven for use and just in case some for roc and chamber too. Then took Mariah outside and left the boys. "So what happened last night with you and Jacob" I asked her "same as you I think cause I heard you screaming" she laughed "oh my god really I was that loud?" I asked laughing "yea" she giggled. Well I guess I'm not alone but that just made me and mar get closer in every way, with losing the v card same day and getting boyfriends over spring break together I think moving actually brought us closer.

Princes pov

Okay first really all I wanted to do is get with Mariah and I get drunk when it happens REALLY. Like can I not get a perfect moments when I remember it, no obviously not. Well imma get with her again it's going to happen imma remember it this time. "So Ray what happened with you and kris?" I asked "I hit but I don't remember it and I want to remember it man like for real" he said "dude same like I want to remember cause this morning I wanted to see the side of Mariah I saw yesterday you know." Its a little weird that we both hit last night but I know we both did go to the bar together and get drunk here together so I guess it's not that hard to believe, but I had an idea. "Why don't we go out again but not really go out" I said smirking "do you mean pretend we're drunk again?" Ray said "exactly" I smiled "that's why we bros man" Ray said dapping me. The girls came back inside and we shut up so they wouldn't know. I want to do the plan or just go to the club, actually nah we can go tomorrow.

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