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The cloaked and hooded man downed another drink as he waited in the dimly lit tavern. It was dingy place with a motley assortment of patrons milling about, none of whom were discussing legitimate business. It was the very definition of an establishment that catered to a shady clientele.

Still, the man couldn't have cared less about that, all he cared about was being in a place that wouldn't care about him or anyone he happened to meet. Ordering another mug, he turned on his stool and felt a cruel smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he spotted a paired of similarly cloaked figures emerge in the doorway.

"Still obsessed with the of ambiance of your position I see" the taller of the two said quietly as they settled onto stools next to man.

"Let's not waste time" the man said not bothering to hide his irritation. "Lord Rindar has begun to move on his own despite our agreement, and the Master will not be patient in this matter"

"Well, you never did intend to honor the agreement you made with him" the tall man said. "And Rindar is far from the type to trust us, after all, he doesn't control us and he knows it."

"Bah" the cloaked man said waving his hand dismissively. "What the rider lord knows or doesn't know about our loyalties is irrelevant. The Master wants these two and that takes priority, as long as Rindar foolishly believes that we are doing what he wants, he won't impede our task. Now,  do you have the information I asked for?"

"Sort of" the shorter of the pair replied hesitantly.

Even under the hood it was impossible to miss the first man's displeasure. "What do mean sort of? Do I have to remind you how important this is?!"

"You do not sir" the taller of the pair said calmly.

"Then why are giving me this stupid run around? How hard could it be to find two riders and three of largest dragons ever seen?" the first man ground out.

The pair hesitated for a moment before the shorter of the pair started to speak again, trying to sound composed. "Well sir, that isn't the part that we are having a problem with, we believe that they are moving through rugged wilderness country, so reports are spotty at best, but our informers have periodically sighted them heading east, towards the Estoikos border."

"They won't be hard to spot with three large dragons in tow, the real problem" the taller figure cut in. "Lies with the second request."

"So, you've out found nothing about this new rider that Lord Rindar is so obsessed with" the first man said his displeasure waning slightly. "How could that be? Maybe you were wrong to boast that you can find out anything about anyone, or have you been lying about that?"

The taller of the pair shrugged "we're as baffled as you, we have never failed to find out everything about a person from the day they emerged from their mother's womb."

"But we can't find out anything about this rider prior to when he first emerged at Vuhirvo's gate, it's almost like this man who challenged Rindar never existed at all!" the shorter of the pair interjected, clearly frustrated by the lack of progress.

"hmmm, I like to know my adversary, but I guess it isn't as important as finding him and finishing the job, our time is short though, as I said Rindar doesn't fully trust us to honor our agreement and has begun to move on his own, wanted posters have already been distributed throughout the land" the man growled angrily as he slammed his fist down onto the table. "You two may go, I'll be heading east after our quarry, but I'm sure our network can let you find me if necessary. Stay vigilant, it is imperative to the Master that we get hold of them before the Vestarii or any bounty hunters do."

The pair stood and bowed very slightly before silently exiting back they way that they'd come.

"Well now" the man muttered, his mouth twisting into a sadistic smile as he turned back and downed the last of his drink before he rose and stalked out of the tavern. "It seems that the Master's long awaited machinations can finally take shape and that fool Rindar has finally pointed the order in the right direction for a change. I hope that you are ready boy, because you've drawn the attention of more than just the mortal lords. And my true master is not a being to be trifled with."

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