Chapter 6

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Jake kept all his senses alert as he and Wyena made their way through the crowded streets of the town of Carrion's Peak. According to Wyena it was the last major settlement before the border territory with Estoikos really got started. Modest in size she had further explained that it served as an important hub for trade between people between to two countries. Despite the fragile state of things between the neighbors, the opportunity to make money was tempting enough for people to take the risk.

Not one to relax after the last time they'd been in a town, Jake kept his head on a swivel as if expecting someone to jump from an alleyway at any moment.

Unlike towns in the Northwest and Balistrean heartland that consisted of grey stone and wood in the style of what one would expect to find in medieval western Europe. Carrion's peak had building constructed largely of white marble and limestone. They also had a style that Jake would've described as having a heavy Greek influence back home. According to Wyena that was also a product of Estoikos' economic and cultural influence in the region. The snow-capped mountain for which the town was named loomed over the walls nearby.

The smell of cooked lamb was everywhere as they passed an open-air market located in the large circular plaza that made up the town's center. The smell of food mixed unpleasantly with the smell of people's perspiration from the cloudless sky and blazing sun of a hot day.

Personally, Jake was just glad to be in a city that wasn't named for a dragon for once. It seemed that if a place wanted to make itself look important on this world it had dragon in some part of its name. He hadn't come across a place calling itself Dragon's Dick just yet, but he was keeping a sharp eye out for it.

"See anything?" Wyena muttered under her breath as she walked beside him, her eyes subtly darting everywhere looking for potential threats.

Jake shook his head slightly before continuing to scan the crowd. "Nothing so far and thankfully it doesn't look like the crowd is forming into a lynch mob either."

"Small victories" Wyena replied with a smirk.

"Indeed, you know what you're looking for?" Jake asked changing the subject. They needed to stay focused, just because no one had recognized them so far didn't mean that no one would.

Still he hadn't seen any wanted posters here so far, so it was a good bet that Rindar's goons hadn't been able to spread the word out this far yet. He was under no illusions that that would last long however. Rindar was both powerful and obsessed with taking down both him and Wyena.

Not that Jake could really blame him. After all it wasn't every day that you were an all power dragon lord and some nobody just show up out of nowhere then proceed to humiliate you so spectacularly. Jake had to hold back a snort of laughter at the thought.

"I'm going to see what the papers have to say" Wyena said breaking him out of his inner monologue. "They're completely sycophantic to Rindar of course but I might be able to parse out something from them.

"Good luck" Jake said with a quick nod. "I'll try to get some information on the best way to slip through the border unnoticed. We'll meet back in the central market in a few hours. Hopefully it shouldn't be too much of a chore"

"The map should be easy enough to find, all you need to do is purchase one from a general goods store" Wyena affirmed. "But getting the locations of the border defenses might not be so easy."

"I have a few ideas on that. But for now, we continue as planned. I'll see you later."

Wyena shot him a quick smile before she turned and melted into the crowd.

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