Chapter 16

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"Well, home sweet temporary home" Jake muttered as he heard the unmistakable sounds of three large and restless dragons echoing against cliff walls as he and Wyena drew near to the edge of a wide, deep crevasse that carved its way for miles through the rocky landscape.

"I don't know" Wyena replied as she helped him heft the ibex carcass to the edge. "I grew up in incredible luxury and I think this way of living kind of grows on you after a while."

"It did when I was in the northwest" Jake agreed his voice taking on a mischievous tone. "Unfortunately, my innocently peaceful existence was shattered unmercifully by a ragtag group of brutish ruffians and scoundrels who drove me from my home."

"Ha...ha...ha, I'm dying from laughter on the inside" Wyena replied dryly as she fixed him with a mock glare. "I seem to remember you slaughtering a Vestarii unit and then responding to my investigation in a rather aggressive manner."

Jake let out an amused snort before he waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, don't pretend you didn't love it when I punched out your prospective husband, you hated that little shit Elgenon even more than I did and I despised him from a single meeting. I can only imagine the horror of actually being betrothed to him."

"True" Wyena agreed with a quiet sigh that suggested to Jake that she'd rather not think about the subject anymore if she didn't have to. "He was a childish and arrogant man. I can't say that I miss him in any way shape or form. Still, I took no pleasure in killing him."

"Good, means that you have a conscious. Even if Elgenon was so egotistical and self-centered that in all likelihood he probably masturbated to portraits of himself. But let's not worry about that right now. Right now, we need to look to our three giant friends hiding at the bottom of a canyon." Jake replied as he looked for away to change the subject to change the subject.

Wyena blushed as she fought to suppress a laugh, then nodded in agreement as they both reached down their links at the same moment.

As if moving as one the three dragons rose from out of the dark depths in a great whoosh before settling themselves in front of their human riders, their weight causing the ground to sink downward several inches as they did so.

"Good to see you were also successful at feeding yourselves." Jake said cracking a smile as he noticed what looked like the leg of a large, unidentifiable hooved animal poking out the side of Ragnarok's mouth. "Means that I don't have to share with you greedy bastards."

Walking up to the carcass Jake unceremoniously shoved it over the side of the cliff and into the gorge with his foot before turning back to Wyena. Giving her a highly exaggerated version of the bow that he'd seen noblemen use back in Dragon's Spire he reached deep to pull out the same mannerisms he'd seen them use as well, which to Jake didn't seem to differ much from a very cringy impression of the modern neckbeard from back home. In fact, now that he thought about it a bit more, much of their etiquette did. "Will you accompany me to dinner m'lady?"

"Why thank you very much my lord" Wyena replied dryly, Jake's impression sailing far over her head as she dropped into a perfect curtsy that didn't match with the practical tanned hides of the hunter's tunic and trousers she currently wore. "You offer to do me such a great honor!"

"Is that an invitation?" Jake asked playfully.

"Maybe later" Wyena replied with a light scoff. "Considering our current situation, I'm a firm believer in business before pleasure."

"Such is the way of every world in the multiverse, and at this point I'm something of an expert" Jake replied with a sigh that was purposefully far heavier than it needed to be.

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