Chapter 18

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Once again sorry this took so long to finish, was just unsure of how to move forward for awhile but I haven't given up. Enjoy!

The sun was beginning to set behind the distant foothills as Jake guided Valkyrie back towards their crevasse hideout. As it came into view, he allowed himself a sigh of contentment. Even if it hadn't changed anything in practical terms, the events of his search had definitely made him feel a lot more optimistic about his chances.

"I hate to admit it" he muttered with a mild annoyance. "But Tlaco's methods actually work pretty well. I just wish it wasn't such a colossal pain in the ass to figure out her schemes sometimes."

Reaching down he patted Valkyrie on the back of the neck as he felt a jolt of concern emanating from her. Clearly, she had caught on to his most recent bout of annoyance with his good intentioned yet exceptionally wily patron.

"At this point, it's just a lot of water under the bridge, let's go home" Jake said with a small smile as they arrived over the chasm. Pulling into a hover Valkyrie slowly began to descend into the shadow cast darkness below.

As her massive claws scraped against the stone floor Jake looked to see that Wyena had finished preparing the ibex and had the meat cooking over a small fire. Apparently, she had been able to go out and forage for kindling in his absence.

"Find what you were looking for?" she asked casually.

"I sure did, and I got a bonus as well" he replied as he unceremoniously kicked the mountain-lion's carcass off of Valkyrie's back before dismounting in single fluid motion.

"I see" Wyena deadpanned as she took in the sight of the mountain lion carcass. "I assume there's a story there, anything else happen on your little jaunt?"

"Oh, you know, the usual" Jake said with a casually dismissive wave of his hand. "Just met up with our divine patron and learned about the meaning of life on this planet not to mention the gods that made it so. You know, inconsequential stuff like that."

"I see, it must've been quite ground breaking for you to go into smartass mode to cope with it" Wyena said completely unfazed. "Was that all?"

"Pretty much, and you've gotten to know me far too well by the way" Jake replied with a shrug that was far more nonchalant than anyone else on this world would have used for the situation. But at this point on their odyssey, something that would be world shattering for anyone else walking around on this realm, might as well have been just called Tuesday for the two of them.

"If I could pinch his cheeks for being so endearing, I would've done so ages ago." Tlaco said startling them both as she materialized without warning next to the small camp fire. "Though I have to admit, the pair of you make a better team than I could've hoped. I'm especially proud of you dear girl, for a noble of this world you do not seem to regard anything as beneath you. Even your wild lover from the forest!"

It was difficult to tell by the light of the fire but Jake could've sworn that he saw Wyena turn away to hide a blush. Thinking quickly, he turned to the goddess hoping to promptly change the subject before Wyena suffered any further embarrassment at her ethereal hands.

"So" he said "for what reason do we owe your fine company this night?"

"Nice segue" she replied shooting a grin towards Wyena. "Chivalry for your lady is not yet dead I see."

"Focus please, you know damn well I'll never be the knight in shining armor type" Jake continued, unwilling to let the goddess throw him off. Truthfully, he blamed himself for this new and improved personality the goddess sported, but that didn't mean that he was about to become Lancelot to get back the cryptic mystic that he'd first met. That was just too much posing and falsehood for him to stomach.

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