Chapter 1

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"Well, I guess it wasn't like this was an unexpected development" Jake said with amusement, looking down at the wanted poster in his hands as he leaned against the stone front wall of an apothecary shop. His bow was slung over his shoulder as he waited for his traveling companion, he wanted it to be within easy reach if things turned ugly in a hurry.

"Yeah" a sarcastic voice said as the door to the shop swung open. "It's almost as if killing a dragon lord's son and burning down his palace would somehow put you on his shit list!"

"It's one of the greatest mysteries of our time. Though it seems that my smartass powers have been transferred to you along with the mark, I'm so proud!" Jake said pretending to wipe away a tear as Wyena stepped outside. "But in all seriousness, I hope your tail is tucked firmly between your legs because I really think that we should be on our way before people start to recognize us. By now I'm sure that Rindar has wallpapered most of the towns in Balistrea with our faces."

"That would likely be his next course of action" Wyena replied with a quick nod. "How much is he offering?"

"About three thousand gold pieces each" Jake replied and smiled as he saw Wyena's jaw drop. "I'm assuming that's a lot here. By the way that amount is the same dead or alive."

"It could set someone up for several lifetimes" Wyena affirmed.

"Well as I said before it wasn't like this was unexpected after all the shit we just pulled" Jake replied with a shrug. "We'll just deal with the challenges as they emerge and not worry about every hypothetical that could pop up, try to do that and we're both going to go insane really quick."

"True enough" Wyena agreed. "Is there anything else?"

"Nothing good" he replied hesitantly. "There seems to be quite an expose on you which details your father's alleged treachery against Rindar. He really is that special kind of guy who can smile while he's driving around with a dead hooker in his trunk."

"I see" Wyena replied coldly. "He didn't attempt to wipe out my family, so which bootlicker did Rindar pick to run it for him?"

Jake quickly skimmed through the writing and looked up at Wyena as he spotted a name. "Says here that it's some guy named Hadris Dieron, who's he?"

Wyena stiffened angrily. "He's my father's cousin" she said through gritted teeth. "A Vestarii officer who's spent much of his time doing Rindar's dirty work. He's very loyal to the lord and had often thought of himself as more deserving to head the family than my father."

"Ouch" Jake replied with genuine sympathy. He knew all too well about what could happen with family bitterness.

"Why did you want all this stuff anyway?" Wyena asked, determined to change the subject as she shuffled the ingredients in the travel sack around.

"Gonna convert some of my grenades to impact triggers, just like the bombs I used on the palace" Jake explained quietly as he picked up a long skinny package wrapped in a fine green cloth and the two set off at a brisk pace down the town's main cobblestone road. "The fuses I'm currently using aren't great in all weather conditions, plus if I can just throw it without having to light it up it will save a lot of time. I figure they might come in handy in a tight spot, not to mention when we have to make a break for it in the border lands."

"Did you really make those bombs you used on the palace out of dragon shit?" She asked wincing slightly.

"Damn straight I did, the grenades too" he replied with a mischievous grin. "In truth I'm surprised that no one else had thought of it already, that stuff is so volatile I didn't even need to do much to isolate the explosive compounds."

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