Chapter 2

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"Ok, this place looks as good as any since I left the mountain where the twins were born" Jake said to himself as he signaled to Wyena and began to descend towards the ground beneath him.

It never ceased to astound him just how similar this world was to one that he'd come from. The numerous rocky buttes that made up the landscape below bore a stunning resemblance to Cappadocia back home. There weren't many trees in the region, but it still wouldn't be easy for any pursuer to spot them amongst the broken terrain, even if they were riding a dragon.

Dodging and weaving through the numerous buttes Jake had finally spotted a location that seems suitable for the night. A small patch of green brush was spread out on the floor of a small box canyon.

With steep walls and high buttes on all sides, it would serve very adequately as a hiding spot from those riding dragons as well as present a formidable obstacle for those who were not.

Folding his wings Ragnarok came in low before gently dusting off on the canyon floor. Wyena and Valkyrie were not far behind and within minutes all three dragons had settled into spots on the soft brush.

"Well, first things first" Jake said more to himself than anyone else as he dismounted. "Got to set up for the night and get to planning, soon we'll be making a run for border."

He started looking around for kindling but stopped suddenly as Wyena dismounted and he got a good look at her expression. Her face was artfully neutral, but so tense that he could tell that something was bothering her.

"You ok?" Jake asked carefully. He'd learned by now that some people in both worlds really hated any question that there might be something even mildly wrong with them. "Because it looks like something is bothering you."

Wyena hesitated for a moment, as if unsure whether to say something or not but she ultimately nodded her head in affirmation.

"Back in the town, I wasn't able to do anything but run" Wyena confessed as she scowled down at her sword. "I was completely useless."

"Hey now, I ran too you know" Jake protested suspecting where this conversation was going. "I hope that you haven't forgotten that both you and your sword saved my life."

"I know, I haven't forgotten" Wyena sighed. "But it is still frustrating to feel this way."

"Once again your noble lineage comes back to bite you in the ass" Jake replied playfully as he ignored the scowl that Wyena shot him. "A sword is useful for some situations and not for others. That is the nature of any weapon, yet you and many of your social class have been brought up to believe, quite foolishly, that only a select few weapons are suited to your station in life. I was able to beat you and your squad quite easily because of the mindset that only a few methods of fighting are worthy of nobility."

Wyena cocked an eyebrow inquisitively. "You have said that before. What do you suggest I do?"

"I will get to that in a moment" Jake said as he held up his lance. "Swords and other melee weapons are good for close combat and personal protection. In this world they are good for showing status and power over others, especially when you don't ride a dragon" he continued. "However, the days when you were just an armored peacock that projected Rindar's authority are over. Now you are on the run and must adapt to survive."

"Again" Wyena said her voice now betraying her irritation. "I know that, but you still haven't said what to do about it."

"I suggest" Jake said, pausing for a moment as he bent down and picked up the finely wrapped package at his feet before handing it over to her. "That you learn to adapt and survive."

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