Chapter 14

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Don't worry I'm still alive just fighting through the writers block. Once again thanks to everyone for sticking with me, my commitment to finishing the series is firm even if it takes awhile!

Watching the wagon depart through the gate unhindered Jadiak let out a sigh of relief and headed back into the dragon stables. As he looked to the bronze dragon that had come to be his own, he shook his head and tried to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what had just transpired.

"Never thought that I would witness a legend become reality, much less become a part of it. You seem to turn the world upside down wherever you go Archon" he thought as he felt Dust Rider send a feeling of warm affection towards him. To say that he had been surprised as he felt the new link blast its way through his senses would have been a supreme understatement.

Even as he did his best to be analytical about his newfound senses, he felt utter disbelief permeating his body. Still vaguely wondering if what had just happened could have actually been real.

A quick glance down at his arm reminded him that it had indeed happened outside his imagination.

Before he could dwell on it for too long however, he felt a burst of warmth mixed with impatience emanate from Dust Rider. She would not be denied his attention, especially after such an unexpected turn of events.

Smiling contentedly Jadiak pulled down the sleeve of his tunic to cover his forearm and quickly moved over to his now bonded companion. The mixture of her familiar presence with the strange new connection was

"This is definitely going to take a lot of getting use to" he thought, tentatively sending his own warm emotions down the link as he rubbed her neck. To his great jubilation he felt her reciprocate his gesture with a soft croon and a contentment that he could feel spread throughout his body.

"I don't think I can ever repay you Jake" he thought as he shifted his rubbing from his dragon's neck to the top of her head. "But believe my vow that I will do everything possible to earn this gift."

Suddenly he felt Dust Rider's senses perk up. He was puzzled for a moment but quickly realized that she had detected someone approaching.

Taking a moment to ensure that his forearm was covered he forced himself to remain focused on his dragon and act like he oblivious to the approaching newcomer. He wasn't sure if or how much Rindar and the Vestarii knew about Jake's abilities or if he could pass them onto others. Whatever they knew or didn't know he didn't want to give away anything, no matter how slight, that could compromise any of them if he didn't have to.

Checking to see that nothing was out of place for the third time he waited until he heard footsteps crunching the straw that lay strewn about the stable floor.

Turning to look at what he was sure would be less than pleasant company he wasn't at all surprised as he saw Sten Verlike approaching. A man of lower nobility hailing from the capital, he was a tall man with straw colored hair, green eyes and a pale complexion that made him look perpetually unwell. He had accompanied him to his new posting out on the border much to Jadiak's dismay. He walked with the swagger of a man desperate to prove that he was more than he actually was. Both as a noble and a man.

"I beg your pardon Lieutenant Jadiak" he said bowing low enough to just be within the realm of respectable. "But Captain Salvyrous has requested your presence in the briefing room."

Jadiak's eyes narrowed at the well concealed contempt in the man's voice as he spoke. He may have just gotten to the fort but he had yet to meet its commander and that was unusual. Normally this would've caused concern, but Salvyrous' reputation for not adhering strictly to protocol preceded him, so he doubted that it meant anything.

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